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Julie Mantey’s Avatar

Julie Mantey

Global Project Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
20 Answers
51799 Reads
31 Karma

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Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Jan 24 839 views

Newspaper writing ?

How do we write news paper

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Dec 13, 2024 1723 views

why is effective communication important?

why is effective communication important?

Alejandro’s Avatar
Alejandro Aug 29, 2024 453 views

How do you started in the stock market ?

I’m from crane middle school I see all these people with money from the stock market some are successful some or are not what steps would u think help me become maybe successful in the stock market.

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Jun 18, 2024 1733 views

Which business degree is more profitable in USA, specifically in TX?

I'm on my sophomore year of college, in Accounting, Business and Economics major. I always wanted to study Art, specifically a drawing concentration, but my parents want me to study a "real career", luckily, I am a math person too, and I like finance, accounting, and business in general, but I...

Alisa’s Avatar
Alisa May 22, 2024 1446 views

How can I find a proper school/life balance and improve the areas where I am lacking?

I am currently a 2nd-year student at CUNY Baruch College studying Marketing. I am still unsure if I picked the right major but some aspects interest me. I desire to improve my communication skills and time management because I have been struggling and I want a clearer sense of direction.

Adrian’s Avatar
Adrian Feb 28, 2024 655 views

Should a Marketing Manager be sarcastic with co workers while in the middle of working?

I am in 8th grade. My favorite classes are P.E. and College and Career. I want to go to a good baseball school because I like baseball.

Brookelyn’s Avatar
Brookelyn Nov 27, 2023 16109 views

what kind of jobs can you get in a communication degree?

is communication a good degree or just average

Chiara’s Avatar
Chiara Oct 07, 2023 643 views

Would it be difficult to start a business from ground up and if so what would you do to get a good start ?

I’m am 14 years old and I am planing on having my own business when I get older.

ally’s Avatar
ally Sep 08, 2023 2728 views

how do people get rich on a daily basis and how do they get to be big ballin?

i literallyyyy am so confused because i see all these people ballin in miami and i’m tryna get like that. so how do people do it? like i’m so confused😭

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jul 16, 2023 598 views

Why is "networking" controlling everything ?

What is "networking" and why does everyone rely on it to get a job or internship these days. I know no one and I don't know who to network with to achieve what other are achieving. I am interested in pursuing Finance in the future and I need an internship but without "networking" and...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 13, 2023 505 views

I am a communications major going into my senior year of college. I have no summer internships or any clue about what I want to do. I really want an internship for the fall of 2023. Can anyone recommend any places near Salve Regina University (Newport, R.I.) ?

Senior year of college, Communications major with a Spanish minor

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Gracie’s Avatar
Gracie May 27, 2023 3807 views

How do you feel after getting paid?

I just want to know because I have never had a job like that.

FAITH’s Avatar
FAITH Apr 14, 2023 1463 views

what jobs can you get with a communications major ?

just want to know

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Nov 10, 2022 6738 views

How do I keep up with my hobbies having a full time job?

I really want to continue writing and performing, but I don't know how to carve out time for everything I want to do. Do you use any planners or digital tools to help plan life outside work?

Yuridia’s Avatar
Yuridia Dec 10, 2022 4465 views

How is communication with co-workers important?

What would happen if you don't have good communication with co-workers?

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jul 30, 2022 801 views

I love to do stuff with my hands but I don’t know what career I want can you help me pls

I love algebra and I wanna do a job that I do stuff with my hands build an item and I wanna be in the engineering department but I don’t know what type is the best or the medical field but I don’t want it to be a lot of years of studying I don’t like sitting on a desk or using the computer...

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Aug 14, 2018 1862 views

What’s the best way to improve on your writing skills ex. Essay

I normally don’t struggle to write, because once I have and idea it all goes fine. I just have trouble coming up with new and exciting things to write about when it comes to personal essays, college essays etc. if you know of any good way to improve my writing as far as vocabulary or formatting...

Jose Miguel’s Avatar
Jose Miguel Jan 27, 2021 3469 views

What job can I be able to work with as a student?

I want to take any job that I can possibly do with my skills and willing to learn and adopt new skills from the other people. #student #job-search #technology

Chloe’s Avatar
Chloe Jul 17, 2020 2427 views

tips for undergrad student

What is one thing that you wish you did better in undergrad school?
Could be anything!

#undergraduateschool #doctors #therapists #business #marketers #analysts #counsellor #teacher #gradschool #july20 #university #medicine #technology #research #academia #jobs #work

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla May 09, 2018 903 views

How do I continue to stay focused while studying?

When I am studying, I often find my mind drifting to other less important topics. It is difficult to stay focused on the subject at hand for long periods of time. In order to perform better academically, I need to reassess my study techniques and find a way to stay focused. #studying...