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A’s Avatar
A Jan 22, 2018 803 views

Is summer after freshman year to early for an internship?

I"m curious when a college student should start looking for internships. #internships

A’s Avatar
A Jan 22, 2018 502 views

What history courses are good for a classical voice major.

My degree will be a Bachelors of Music with only room for a few liberal arts classes. I hope to get advice on what courses are good to round out my knowledge. #vocalperformance

Terry’s Avatar
Terry Jan 22, 2018 478 views

Is it harder to get scholorships as an adult learner?

I'm working on a BSN while working full time. There is no tuition reimbursement thru my employer. I have tried for many scholarships. So far unsuccessfully.

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jan 20, 2018 739 views

Can I make it big through IT

I need to make a comfortable life for myself and my boyfriend. Will I be able to do that through the IT field? Or anywhere in the computer field? #computer #computer-science #money #information-technology

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Jan 20, 2018 1393 views

What programming languages should I know to impress potential employers?

My goal is to make a very comfortable life for myself but I need to get hired for that to happen. So what should I learn? Should I just try to learn every language I can or will that be a useless effort? #computer #computer-software #computer-science #information-technology

Melissa’s Avatar
Melissa Jan 18, 2018 703 views

What are high school classes that I should take to pursue a journalism career?

I am not sure what classes are available to me as a freshmen besides English 9.
#whichwaytogo #journalism #writing #career-counseling #career-development

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jan 17, 2018 870 views

What is the most exciting job a Mechanical Engineer can have and how do I obtain it?

I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with my degree when I get out of college, but I know Mechanical Engineering is the broadest of the engineering disciplines. There are other majors at my school that I could have chosen, like Robotics Engineering or Aerospace, but I don't want to limit...

Spencer’s Avatar
Spencer Jan 16, 2018 619 views

What jobs are available with a psych major?

Considering majoring in psychology because I find the subject matter interesting but unsure of what jobs there are beyond research and psychologist #psychology #what-kind-of-jobs-can-i-expect.

Spencer’s Avatar
Spencer Jan 16, 2018 928 views

How do you decide on a major?

I have no indication of any field I particularly enjoy and would want to spend the future working in. I don't have much of an idea on how to try and narrow down my interests and decide on a major #college-majors #career-choice

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Jan 16, 2018 708 views

How do I decide what I want to minor in?

Going into college, I know I want to study journalism. The problem is that I want to study other things to help in my journalism career like anthropology, economics, politics and much more. Not just a few classes, I want to be able to know all of these topics inside and out. I don’t know what...

Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine Jan 16, 2018 731 views

What’s the best way to find scholarships?

I’m a high school senior going to college next year and I have no clue how I am going to pay for it. Looking at scholarships is what brought me to this website but I was wondering if anyone had any helpful tips or websites for scholarships. Thanks!
#scholarships #financial-aid #college

William’s Avatar
William Nov 07, 2017 879 views

Is voyage humanitaire trip beneficial?

I came across this site for going on a volunteering trip. Is voyage trip really beneficial?
#voyagehumanitaire #missionhumanitaire #volunteering #nonprofits #humanitarian #humanitarian-relief

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Oct 08, 2017 856 views

Is it important to have an advisor check over my common app?

It's an option on common app. these advisors are just academic teachers and are writing my recs. #college #college-admissions #college-recruiting #higher-education

Mateo’s Avatar
Mateo Sep 30, 2017 780 views

What careers benefits a pre-med path in college

I want to become a psychiatrist and go to medical school, but I am not sure yet what should i major in college. #medicine #psychology #neuroscience #anatomy #biology

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Mar 15, 2017 1262 views

How do I decide what I want to do for the rest of my life? I want to do so much and do not know how to limit myself.

I am struggling with what I want to study and then do after college because so much appeals to me, but I do not know what to do. Right now, I am looking to possibly transfer schools because one school offers more options for me to explore, but I also love what I am studying at my school now....

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