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Soala’s Avatar
Soala Oct 08, 2018 792 views

What are the career options for a biomedical engineering degree and do you need a phd to get a good job

#engineering #biomedical-engineering #career #job

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Oct 02, 2018 881 views

How do I become a real estate developer?

I am 20 and interested in real estate and finance and becoming a #real-estate developer. Would love to hear recommendations about how to do this on the side. I am studying finance at uni. #finance #real-estate #property #realestate

Ben’s Avatar
Ben Oct 02, 2018 867 views

Should I pursue a career in Artifical Intelligence?

I am 3 years into a finance graduate programme and bored rigid. I am interested in AI from the point of view of safety and protection from "the singulairty" etc. and have limited coding experience currently although I am highly quantitative as well as qualitative - excuse the horrible terms....

Rubi’s Avatar
Rubi Sep 29, 2018 453 views

Do you have to be extremely smart to be in the medical field?

Im not the smartest, it takes a little studying to comprehend what I need. One thing I am though, is determined! I’m determined to make it to the top. I’m determined to understand the criteria. I’m determined to learn everything that is necessary. My future is important. #college #healthcare

Rubi’s Avatar
Rubi Sep 29, 2018 478 views

Will any hospital I work for, pay to further my educational ?

Im only in high school and I have high hopes into getting in the medical field. One of the highest work competitions. I want to do more and help more. We only have one life, so why not go above in beyond. If I become a RN at a hospital, will they pay to furth my education and becoming something...

Emem’s Avatar
Emem Sep 29, 2018 719 views

Is it wise to go straight to graduate school after getting a bachelor's degree or should there be some wait time?

#graduate-school #college-advice #time-management

Emem’s Avatar
Emem Sep 29, 2018 776 views

What are the chances of a female being successful in petroleum engineering?

#engineering #women

Ivanna’s Avatar
Ivanna Sep 21, 2018 687 views

Does your under-graduate school matter?

#graduate #school #college

Ivanna’s Avatar
Ivanna Sep 21, 2018 932 views

Can you have a unusual hair cut and work in the government?

#government #persetive

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Sep 20, 2018 990 views

Why can't college be FREE?

#Collegelife #brokeStudent #needMoney

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Sep 20, 2018 729 views

why is it so hard to find a job?

#job #career

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Sep 07, 2018 589 views

I am currently in 12th grade and am curious about how to score working with a big company with a major like Web Administration or Information Technology. I have heard of getting an intershipwhile in college, but I don’t think it’s too promising for when you graduate colllege

#futurejobs What are some good companies to start with? #computer-science

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Sep 07, 2018 557 views

I am currently in 12th grade and I have been wondering what the best way to transition out of college into the “real world” of working and bills to pay.

I have thought about a roomate situation, but is that always the main option?

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Sep 01, 2018 842 views

What will help college admissions officers look at my resume

What kind of things should I do to differentiate my self from the rest of the crowd of other students. # #resume #college #college-admissions

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Sep 01, 2018 969 views

What kind of studying habits should use in college

How can I study in a way that I wont forget when I’m in front of any exam I have #studying-tips #studylife

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 31, 2018 662 views

What are mistakes most college students make?

I know that this applies to many minorities like myself, who are going to be first generation college students, we don’t really have a guide or somebody to tell us what we should watch out for and what mistakes not to make since nobody in our family can warn us about this. #FirstGeneration

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 31, 2018 682 views

What type of relationships should I create in college?

What relationships should we focus on the most, should we focus on prioritizing relationships with our friends or should we focus on maintaining a strong relationship with our proffesor. #relationships #college

Kevin’s Avatar
Kevin Aug 31, 2018 1146 views

Is there a specific investing/trading stocks class in college?

#classes #classes #graduate-school #high-school-classes #college-applications #business #daytrading

Ajaysia’s Avatar
Ajaysia Aug 28, 2018 772 views

What would be a better job? Child psycologist within the school district OR A CHILD PSYCOLIGIST IN MY OWN OFFICE?


Ajaysia’s Avatar
Ajaysia Aug 28, 2018 603 views

Can you become a successful photographer and a psychologist major at the same time?

I would want to major in Psychology, but my dream job is to become a photographer so I can travel the world and venture out to new cultures and environments. #shehastodreambig!

David’s Avatar
David Aug 26, 2018 897 views

How do I make myself a stronger applicant from now to december?

What can I do to strengthen my resume? #resume

David’s Avatar
David Aug 26, 2018 492 views

How do I know what colleges are within my reach?

What things do you need to be within reach of a t20 school? #college

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Aug 25, 2018 1024 views

Did you get a Job right after you graduated from college?

#graduation #job #job-search

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Aug 25, 2018 828 views

How you ever have time for yourself? Like spend time with yourself

#selfrelaxe #stressfree #MeAndOnlyMe

Ivanna’s Avatar
Ivanna Aug 24, 2018 888 views

difference between BS and BA for economics?

i am trying to decied between the two. #economics 3college

Ivanna’s Avatar
Ivanna Aug 24, 2018 578 views

Best Scholarships for high gpa students?

I am looking for good scholarships. #idk

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Aug 24, 2018 677 views

Are you Happy with your Jobs? Did you make the right choices?

#Jobs #AnyJobs #ourJobs

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Aug 24, 2018 646 views

What do you regret about your career choice?

#Career #Jobs

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Aug 24, 2018 595 views

Why do we have to go to School?

#School #College

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Aug 24, 2018 758 views

How do you make friends in college?

I'm super antisocial and can't easily go up to people asking them to be friends. #Friends

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