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Excelsior, Minnesota

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Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Feb 16, 2024 2564 views

What college would you suggest going to if I want to get a degree in architecture?

I am a highschool student and I am hoping to get my associates degree by the end of highschool. I want to go into some sort of architecture or design job, but I don't know what colleges would be best for that. Do you have any suggestions?

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla Feb 16, 2024 675 views

What does an average day in your job look like as a forensic scientist?

I am a sophomore in high school. I am very interested in forensic science but do not know for sure if it is the right fit.

Brock’s Avatar
Brock Feb 16, 2024 381 views

Are you making more now then when you started your career?

Why would your salary change depending on your time? How much experience in your workplace does it take to usually get a raise? Does it really all depend on your work exeirence to get a raise or do they also look at the person who you are and determine if you deserve a raise or not?

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Feb 16, 2024 437 views

Is commercial piloting a low or high stress job ?

I am a high-school student in Minnesota and I don't know if I would like to be a commercial pilot. It is my top option but I know every career has some disadvantages

Jefferson’s Avatar
Jefferson Feb 16, 2024 857 views

Do you have a flexible schedule and free time. And how do you have any vacation time.?

I get burned out easily so breaks can be helpful for me

Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Feb 16, 2024 860 views

What architectural field would you suggest based on interests?

I am a highschool student and am hoping to get my associates degree by the end of highschool. I want to work in some sort of architectural job, but I don't know what would be best based on my interests? Any suggestions?

Isabella’s Avatar
Isabella Feb 16, 2024 299 views

What was your starting wage as a physical therapist?

I am a sophomore in high school. I am thinking about being a physical therapist.

Claire’s Avatar
Claire Feb 16, 2024 320 views

What should I do if I decide not to proceed with my job?

I am a 10th grader in high school and am wanting to get my associates degree. I am very indecisive about what kind of job I'm wanting to go into and wanting to pick the best job for me possible.

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