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Lily’s Avatar
Lily Jan 15, 2018 671 views

What is a typical job for a History or Literature major?

I am thinking of majoring in #History or #Literature and am wondering what career path this would put me on. I am not sure what I want to do when I am older, but I do know I love these subjects! Please let me know!

Julieta’s Avatar
Julieta Jan 14, 2018 705 views

Can a teaching degree in Art History take me farther than just in a classroom?

I want to teach more than just students in a school, I want to teach communities about art history and its effects on society but what more do I need to do so? Another degree? Experience?
#arthistory #teachingart #communities #teaching

Julieta’s Avatar
Julieta Jan 14, 2018 800 views

What other degrees will be good to go into a Museum Curator based job?

I want to work in a museum as either a curator or a preservationist but I don't know what employers are specifically looking for
#arthistory #curator #museumstudies #museums-and-institutions

Brin’s Avatar
Brin Jan 13, 2018 547 views

What if you have a question?

While working on homework is it often that you have a question that doesnt get answered. In such a large group of people I am nervous that my questions eventually won't get answered and I will be stuck not fully understanding my work or being able to grasp the concept. #studytime

Brin’s Avatar
Brin Jan 13, 2018 649 views

How hard is balancing social and school life in college?

I'm pretty worried that in entering college I will get lost in the school aspect of things as I try to maintain good grades and I won't make a bunch of friends. #college #balance #time-management

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 12, 2018 799 views

How does one begin to look into starting a side business? What's the most important thing?

I know of people who effortlessly do side businesses to bring extra income, however I could never understood what factors play into being able to even begin thinking about what kind of business to do. #business-owner #business #business-development

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jan 12, 2018 727 views

Is it possible to go to school full-time for a STEM-related field and work two part time jobs?

I've heard stories of super-human effort which seem nearly impossible to do, not because of lack of energy, but due to lack of time. How do some people manage to do all of that and still have time for a breather? #stem #part-time #college #academic-advising

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Dec 20, 2017 1085 views

What are some reliable websites or places that provide students with resources such as scholarships, grants, etc?

I'm no different from many other college students in terms of realizing that going to college is quite expensive. Most of us find ourselves struggling to find financial aid and resources that will allow us to pursue our chosen profession. As a grad student, I've had to apply for loans and I...

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Dec 20, 2017 1274 views

What are some jobs relevant to cyber security that I can acquire while attending graduate school ?

I'm in my first year of my cybersecurity graduate program and I want to obtain a part-time job working in roles related to cybersecurity. I'm wondering what kinds of positions I should be looking for that will allow me to obtain relevant experience. I would like something that will better...

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Nov 29, 2017 1009 views

What can I do to prepare and acquire a cyber security internship?

I'm halfway through my first year in my Cyber Security Master's program and I want to take any necessary steps to obtain the experience that I need to acquire a great job after graduation. I've never had any experience with applying to internships, specifically in cyber security and related...

victoria’s Avatar
victoria Nov 23, 2017 1103 views

What should I pursue?

I've always had trouble figuring out who I wanted to be and am always changing what it is that I really want to do. One reason why its so difficult is because I've never found anything that incorporates all my skills and passions because they're just so diverse. To give a bit more insight I...

victoria’s Avatar
victoria Nov 23, 2017 993 views

What should I pursue?

I've always had trouble figuring out who I wanted to be and am always changing what it is that I really want to do. One reason why its so difficult is because I've never found anything that incorporates all my skills and passions because they're just so diverse. To give a bit more insight I...

Katelyn’s Avatar
Katelyn Nov 22, 2017 837 views

Are Criminal Justice Summer Internships a thing? Should I seek one out?

I am asking because I plan to go into law enforcement. I want to know if these internships exist and if it is recommended I seek one out. Where do I even look? #law-enforcement #police #internships #police-and-law-enforcement #law-enforcement-internships #chicago-police

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Nov 08, 2017 903 views

i am an 8th grader , if i go to a military high school will i score higher to become a police officer ? Do i become a police officer faster ?

i really want to become a cop , the school is 40 minutes away from me , but if it helps me become a cop faster i will go. #help #career-guidance #law-enforcement #police #police-officer

Aiman’s Avatar
Aiman Oct 07, 2017 840 views

Would I get any community service?

In Need of community service as I’m a high school student! #communityservice

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Sep 01, 2017 666 views

What struggles can I expect when starting college?

I want be as ready and prepared as I can when starting college. I want to avoid mistakes many generations of students make when starting college.
#struggle #beready

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Sep 01, 2017 889 views

What's the difference between a Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurse, and a Registered Nurse?

I'm asking because I'm looking into going into the medical field, and I'd prefer to pursue a short career.

#college #medicine #choosing-a-major #college-major #nurse #

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Sep 01, 2017 5797 views

What is the best major or minor to pair with an International Relations major?

Looking for something to double major with my IR degree. And not a language, I'm already minoring in French.
#internationalrelations #doublemajor #college-major #degree #liberal-arts

Joanna’s Avatar
Joanna Sep 01, 2017 1763 views

I really liked my AP Environmental Science class. What kind of job can I get if I'm interested in that type of program?

#environment #environmental-science #environmental-services #environmental

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Sep 01, 2017 897 views

How does one find a job as a marine biologist?

I'm going to school for marine biology. #marinebiology #biology

cristian’s Avatar
cristian Sep 01, 2017 1279 views

can one person change the world?

The nation is dividing, the poor doesn't have a chance to rehabilitate and start a new life, and the rich are getting greedier and only worry about themselves. Families are losing homes and more because our economy is so bad many people argue about the taxes and how much we pay, but that's...

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle Sep 01, 2017 823 views

What are good scholarships for transfer students?

I have recently graduated from Associate's Degree, and I'm transferred to an university for Bachelor's Degree. I'm looking for scholarships that could help me with College of Education or Exercise Science major. #college-transfer #scholarships #exercise-science #collegeofeducation

Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian Sep 01, 2017 846 views

What branch of psychology would be the best route for me to take if I want to be successful fast out of college?

I have decided that psychology is something I want to further my knowledge in and major in college. Yet, I have recently found out that there are many branches of psychology I can go into. I really enjoy developmental/child psychology and criminal psychology. So, which do you think would be the...

Brinity’s Avatar
Brinity Sep 01, 2017 657 views

what course do you need to take to become a neonatal nurse?

I need to know if this a career I should pursue for myself since I love helping other. #nursing #healthcare-administration

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Sep 01, 2017 848 views

What types of careers can I do with a major in Chinese?

I know Icould teach Chinese or be a translator, but what other jobs are there? #chinese

Sylvia’s Avatar
Sylvia Sep 01, 2017 977 views

My goal is to become a Counseling Psychologist, will I need more than a Master's Degree in order to obtain a stable job?

Many have told me I will need more than a Master's Degree.

#counseling-psychology #psychology #college #masters-degree #doctorate-degree

Natalia’s Avatar
Natalia Sep 01, 2017 941 views

What can females do to more likely be accepted into STEM majors?

There is a large difference in the male to female ratio in STEM majors, and from a previous college visit a Dean of Admissions actually said that he thinks female applicants are more superficial than males. What tips do you have for females looking into going into STEM schools that can help us...

Peorrie’s Avatar
Peorrie Sep 01, 2017 481 views

What schools are great for students with learning disabilities that have an interest in engineering?

#engineering l am a student with a learning disability but also I am an honor student. I want to be at a school that can provide my accommodations in order for me to continue my education with excellent grades

Gregorio’s Avatar
Gregorio Sep 01, 2017 724 views

Whats the best engineer school to attend#School

Im planning to attend an engineer school but my question is whats the best?#mechanical-engineering

lavelle’s Avatar
lavelle Sep 01, 2017 779 views

what majors can do to become an FBI Agent

i want to study the most appropriate major so that i do not #waste any time. #law-enforcement

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