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Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 05, 2016 985 views

What are some key tips for connecting with faculty within your major so that you can eventually do research with someone?

I am currently a freshman in psychology and neuroscience, but I'd like to start getting to know my professors now so that I have a solid network when it comes time to get some research experience. What are some key ways to connect with faculty, and how do you approach the process of finding...

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Oct 05, 2016 2507 views

When should psychology majors looking to pursue a Ph.D. program plan to enter said program?

I'm currently a freshman psychology major, but I want to start planning early for what I want to do upon graduating with my bachelors. I'd like to become a psychology professor and researcher. I've heard a number of different options for this...1.) You can attend a grad program straight out of...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Oct 05, 2016 1110 views

Does being a decent, good, or great writer play an important part in future careers?

Is becoming a good writer extremely necessary in the business world, especially in fields such as finance because I do not understand why we need to take multiple English classes in college. #business #finance

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Sep 16, 2016 1403 views

How do you choose the college that is right for you?

I am a junior in high school and am preparing to go to college. I was just wondering how I can choose a college out of all of the colleges that have already accepted me. I have not started applying to colleges just yet, but before it's too late, I want to learn how to pick the right college for...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Sep 16, 2016 1301 views

What is the first step after graduating college?

I am a student going into my third year of high school. College is coming up really soon and I want to be ready and prepared when I graduate college. A lot of people don't seem like they know what to do after they actually get their degree. I want to use my time to the fullest and I don't want...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Sep 02, 2016 1911 views

What type of clothing is business casual?

I am planning on going to a few interviews for internships/jobs and I am required to wear 'business casual.' I have tried looking this up on Google, but there are multiple different options that make things too vague. Please list the types of clothing for both males and females, as this...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Sep 02, 2016 1343 views

Does going to a top college actually affect the success of your future endeavors?

As a junior in high school, I am starting to prepare to apply to colleges. My school is quite small (a total of 175 students only in my grade). Although this is so, previous graduates of my high school have gone out to Columbia, Stanford, NYU, Cornell, Yale, and other elite universities. I am...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Sep 01, 2016 1160 views

Does the college or uiversity you attend really matter when being employed?

As my school starts next week, I was wondering if the school I actually attend makes a difference in the end. I have a few friends attending over schools with the same degree in mind, international business, but we have the same discussions constantly about if the school we choose really...

Miles’s Avatar
Miles Aug 31, 2016 1306 views

What should I study with my major?

I'm a freshman in college and am not sure what to study alongside my current major of International Business. I am not certain if I want to go with a double major with finance or accounting and a minor in psychology or the opposite. I know I have time to decide what I need to study but I want...

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 30, 2016 989 views

What do you need to sign up for FAFSA and who do they greatly give money to?

I am a junior in high school. I will be applying to colleges next year. I just wanted to get a basic understanding about FAFSA. #college #university #fafsa

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 30, 2016 1438 views

How do I sign up for scholarships?

I am a junior in high school. I am perps ring to apply to colleges next year and want to know how to sign up for scholarships. #scholarship

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 30, 2016 1322 views

What opportunities are there to volunteer in central New Jersey?

I am a junior in high school. I am looking for places to volunteer and help out. #volunteering #volunteer #volunteer-management

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 1506 views

How do I apply for scholarships?

I am going into my junior year of high school and I need to start preparing for college very soon. My family isn't well off and so I will definitely have to take out student loans in order to pay off my college debt. I am not too familiar with how scholarships work. My brother is 4 years older...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 1123 views

On average, how many colleges should I look into applying to?

I am currently in my junior year, a crucial time for many high school students around the world. I have to focus on keeping my grades up, while studying and taking the SATs. This is also the time I have to start applying to colleges and then hoping that they would later accept me as one of...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 1159 views

How can I expand my knowledge on colleges I will potentially be attending?

I am going into my junior year of high school, a big year for many students who are planning to attend college after graduating. I have to study for the SATs, take the SATs, start applying for scholarships and to colleges/universities. Before I start applying to colleges though, I would like to...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 1157 views

Is it smart for me to do Cross Country in high school?

I am a junior in high school and am about to start my second season of Cross Country in a few days. When I decided to sign up for Cross Country my freshman year of Spring, I didn't know how physically taxing it would be. I've had a few friends who did Cross Country that last Fall, but I didn't...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 29, 2016 9363 views

Should I go on and take AP Spanish in high school?

I am a student going into my junior year of high school. This upcoming fall, I will start taking a Spanish IV Honors course for the whole year. Compared to Spanish I (which I took in middle school) and Spanish II (which I took my freshman year), Spanish III has been relatively harder. There is...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 1602 views

What do you love about your job?

I am a high school student who has seen both the best and worst of many individuals' careers. I have seen people take up their careers, only to end up struggling to keep up with them. Lately, I haven't met many people who are happy doing what they do. Individuals have their own circumstances...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 1088 views

How does a teacher progress in his or her field?

I am a high school student thinking of becoming a teacher. In my 16 years of life, I have figured out many of my own qualities. One of my qualities is the fact that I like moving up ranks. I don't like staying in one field while watching others move up to become more successful individuals. I...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 1095 views

What characteristics are needed to become a teacher?

As a high school student, I need to begin considering career options for the security of my future endeavors. I have always wanted to become a teacher, but I am not sure if I hold the right qualities that a teacher should have. I want my students to think that I am enjoyable, but I want them to...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 910 views

What kinds of workers experience the greatest success in the field of education?

Although I am only a junior in high school, it is critical that I start thinking about what kind of career I would want to pursue. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to be a teacher. I would gather all of the little kids that would come to visit and read books aloud to them. We...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 28, 2016 1132 views

What are some career opportunities that are located in the Greater New York City area?

I am a student going into my junior year of high school. I live around the Greater New York City area and was wondering if there were any job opportunities that I would potentially be interested in taking up in the city. I know the business/economic side is booming in that region of the world...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 26, 2016 1165 views

How do you stay organized as a high school student?

I am a high school student going into my junior year of high school. Looking back, I seem to always be unorganized with tasks that have to be done. Instead of setting my priorities before doing other work, I tend to pile on the less important jobs, leaving me to struggle to complete the rest of...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 26, 2016 939 views

What are some ways I can make my junior year of high school less overbearing?

I am a high school student going into my third-year of high school. As you are no longer a newbie in high school, you would think that it would be easier to handle both school and the rest of your life since you should have gotten the hang of things already. Unfortunately, it only gets harder....

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 24, 2016 1353 views

How hard is it to get accepted to UC Berkley and what gpa and SAT/ACT is required or normally accepted?

I am a junior in high school. I am looking to apply to colleges next summer and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I was aiming for. #college #university #berkeley #uc

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 22, 2016 893 views

Are you allowed to change your major when your in college

I'm a little worried that when its time to pick a major that a will choose the wrong one.If I do can a switch to a different one. #college

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 22, 2016 1738 views

Is there a limit to how many colleges i can apply to.

Not sure how many colleges in going to apply to but id like to know the maximum number (if there is one)before hand. #college

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 22, 2016 1133 views

What are the best colleges for business and for expanding networks other than the Ivy League schools?

I am currently a junior in high school. I will be applying to colleges next year and just wanted to get a heads up to see what I'm aiming for. #college #business #university

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 22, 2016 8469 views

If you were to go back to high school what would you do differently?

I a junior in high school. I wanted to get advice from a college student or even a professional in the market. Since I always hear people say that if they were to go back they would have done so much better I want other people's opinions on what they would have done better. #college #university

Hamid’s Avatar
Hamid Aug 22, 2016 1148 views

What specific fields are there in business and what is the outlook for a business major?

I am very interested in economics and business but am not sure what major I want to specify myself to. I'm a junior in high school. I know still have time to decide but I want to have a general idea of the different majors. #economics #buisness #corporate-finance

Dana’s Avatar
Dana Aug 22, 2016 1431 views

Dental Hygiene?

I really want to be a dental hygienist. But I want to go to a 4 year college as I feel like that is the best option for me. Most schools in my state do not have Dental Hygiene as a B.S, only an A.S. Is there an equivalent major I can pursue (like BioChem) and then go for a year or 2 long...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 22, 2016 851 views

What are the benefits and detriments of going to a college/university in your state in comparison to attending one out-of-state?

I am in my junior year of high school and am on the search of the college of my dreams. I am planning to attend a university in Pennsylvania because it is not too close and not too far from my home state of New Jersey. I am getting a bit tired of my current city location and think it will be...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 22, 2016 1234 views

Is it better to go straight into working, whether it is a full-time career or part-time job, or really take time to find yourself after college?

I am a high school student currently in my junior year. I was wondering what the benefits of obtaining a job right after college would be and how it would compare to taking a break to try to find what you want to do with the rest of your life. #college #career #career-choice #job #after-college

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 19, 2016 790 views

when looking for a college or job opportunities,Is it better to be Good at a variety of things or better to be Great at one specific thing

I've wondered about this question for years but I never found my answer. #life

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 17, 2016 856 views

Are graphic design and web design related

I want to persue a career in graphic design but I am currently taking a web design a wondering if this it well help me in my future career path #career

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 16, 2016 922 views

How can i combine majors in college

I keep hearing about how you can combine majors you want in college but how do I go about doing that #college

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 2317 views

What made you decide that you wanted to choose entertainment as your career?

There are so many careers to choose from, and I know specifically for me I can do a whole lot more. And because I'm also choosing this path I would like to know why so many people choose this route aside from my reasoning. #entrepreneurship #career #entertainment #career-choice #career-path

Philip’s Avatar
Philip Aug 15, 2016 1258 views

How long after entering the media/entertainment career do you start to see success?

I'm a very anxious person, and when it comes to entertainment I love to see the excitement and the demand people bring forth for continue. Not everything that is being marketed is going to be main streamed right away, so I just wanted to know how long would it usually take, on average?...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 15, 2016 1287 views

What is it like to pursue a teaching career in another country?

I am a high school student currently interested in taking up education as a future career. It was a difficult choice to pick this career path because although I always wanted to be a teacher, my father refuses to allow me to take up a low-paying job. I decided to look into teaching outside of...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 13, 2016 1299 views

How difficult is it to pursue a career in another country?

I am a high school student born and raised in the United States of America. Recently, I have been interested in possibly working abroad. I know there are many challenging factors to consider when looking to work internationally, but I would specifically like to know what they are exactly....

Zaire ’s Avatar
Zaire Aug 12, 2016 1086 views

Around what time should should have start applying for college

I just started my 11th grade year and wondering when to start applying for college

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 12, 2016 1047 views

What are some careers that are currently in demand?

I am a high school student getting ready to head off to college in the next two years or so. I am always wondering about a financially stable career and so I think it is incredibly crucial for me to choose a career path that is going to be in demand for the next 30-40 years. If possible, let me...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 12, 2016 1907 views

What are some new careers that are going to arise in the next 10 years or so?

I am a student going into my junior year of high school. I understand that new careers are always being developed and am interested in what kind of careers will emerge in the future. Right now I am considering different career paths for me to take, as I am soon going to be graduating and...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1138 views

How should I start preparing for college?

Following my previous question, I would like to know how I can prepare for college. I am a third-year high school student who is indeed outside the loop of college preparation. I am wondering how I can plan ahead and what I can do to make it easier for me to apply to colleges. What are the...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1046 views

When should I start preparing for college?

I am going into my junior year of high school in the Fall, anxious that I am another year closer to college. I know it is best to start preparing for college as early as possible, but when is early? I don't want too have to suffer later on and struggle to get all of my applications in. Should I...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 2038 views

How can I pursue a career that does not assure financial stability in the future?

I want to ask this question on behalf of some of my friends who are struggling with the same situation. These particular friends are unimaginably talented in the things they like to do. For example, one may excel in art and another may be superior in music. As you and I may know, finding work...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1184 views

How do I find the right career for me?

Everyone knows that it is best to choose a career that explores your passions and that you are good at. I am aware of some of my hobbies and could list a few things that I find myself excelling at. How do I take all of this information and acquire a career that is right for me? There are many...

Ishan’s Avatar
Ishan Aug 08, 2016 1087 views

I wanted to have a degree in buissness, so should i go diretly to a undergraduate buissness or should i do enginnering first?

I'm a high school student thinking about my future. I would love to have this question help not just my future, but everyone else's who is in my career path . #engineering #mba #beginner

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 08, 2016 1265 views

What role does competition play in your career?

Although I have not yet started a career, competition has arose to be a challenging factor as a high school student. I see myself trying to do the best that I can do in my classes, but once I see someone else doing a little better than me, I don't find myself trying to outpace the other. I have...

Karen’s Avatar
Karen Aug 07, 2016 1882 views

Should I choose the job I love or the job that makes me money?

Looking back at my 16 years of life, I would have never thought I would have to choose between doing what I love and making money. As a little girl, I always dreamed of being a teacher. I looked up to the agents of change at my school and appreciated all of the things they do for me and the...

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