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Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian Oct 27, 2016 1080 views

Is there a demand for Forensic DNA Analysts?

I want to be a Forensics DNA Analyst but I would like to know if there is a need for this type of occupation. #forensics #biologist

Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian Oct 27, 2016 996 views

What degree would I need to become a Forensic DNA Analyst?

I think I want to pursue this career but I need to know what kind of degree I would need to obtain. #scientist #forensics #biologist

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Oct 25, 2016 1123 views

Which forensic science related job would be best for me based on my interests?

With a forensic science major, I intend to work with trace evidence, but I can't determine which job would allow me to do so. I know of Forensic Anthropologists, Blood Splatter Technicians, Entomologists, etc. but I don't know which of these (and the rest) I would need to work as to be able to...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Oct 25, 2016 3090 views

With a forensic science degree with a concentration in biology, what is to be expected job-wise?

I intend to major in forensic science (biology, not chemistry), but even after quite a lot of research, I'm finding it quite difficult figuring out what exactly one does if they have biology as the concentration (for the major). I prefer biology over chemistry, so I'm just wondering if a major...

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Oct 24, 2016 914 views

What type of math is used in day to day life as an architect?

I do love math, I'm not bad at it, I just want to know what to expect. #architecture #architect

Deborah’s Avatar
Deborah Oct 24, 2016 774 views

What's the day in the life of an architect like?

I'd like to become an architect someday. This has been my dream for a long time now and I want to know what to expect! #architecture #architect

Jenah’s Avatar
Jenah Oct 24, 2016 1242 views

How can I continue to stay creative within the workplace?

Due to my interest in engineering, I need to keep my mind in the imaginative state, and continue to be creative. How can I practice these concepts in the workplace? I am aware will have to explore this on my own, or with peers, and continue to better myself in order to prosper in the workplace...

Jenah’s Avatar
Jenah Oct 24, 2016 954 views

What are the statistics of a Chemical Engineer ending up in a leadership role within industry?

I am planning on majoring in Chemical Engineering because I am very drawn to the idea of being offered a new challenge at work every day. I am a problem solver and want to relate that skill to the real world. However, I am also very drawn to the business world, and would like to eventually end...

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Oct 23, 2016 1457 views

If you majored in Computer Science, what is your current job title?

I want to major in computer science, but am #undecided as to what I actually want to do.

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Oct 23, 2016 861 views

What is a day in the life of a computer programmer?

I am going into CIS but not sure exactly what I want to do after graduating with a masters degree. #computer-science #computer-programmer

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Sep 24, 2016 1601 views

How do you enjoy life as a premed?

I really hate all the restrictions I have on myself as a premed. Basically all the things I did to get into college (fancy extracurriculars, stellar grades, 20+ applications, standardized testing, etc.) I have to do again to get into med school- but with a job on top of it. And I'm majoring in...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Sep 12, 2016 1050 views

Is it better to double concentrate or get an BS?

I am trying to decide whether I should receive an AB in Computer Science, and also pick up a degree in Economics, or if it would be better for me to get a BS in Computer Science only. I'm not sure of two things: 1) if a Bachelor of Arts gets as much respect as a Bachelor of Science, and 2) if...

Anina’s Avatar
Anina Aug 27, 2016 1121 views

What were your first seven jobs?

I saw the hashtag #firstsevenjobs on twitter and I was wondering what people's first seven jobs were. #career #career-choice

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Aug 23, 2016 882 views

I want to major in psychology but I want to either double major or get a minor to have more to fall back on. Which would be more beneficial, business or management and as a major or a minor?

Trying to figure out what to do in college! #business #management

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Aug 23, 2016 844 views

What advice would you give to someone who has a passion for dance and wants to stay in that industry but not as a dancer. I wouldn't mind doing business, photography or videography but I'm not sure if I could get a job.

I love dance but I don't think I'd make it in the big leagues! #dance

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