Novi, Michigan

Grants and funding to start a daycare
I would like to know if there are any grants or funding available to help start a daycare center?

College .VS. Trade school what are the risks and the rewards for each?
Is it worth spending more money to go to college when I could go to trade school and spend less to get the same certification at a trade school?

Animation industry
I stepped away from an art college because it was extremely overwhelming, it was super competitive and the workload left me in tons of panic attacks. I also couldn't afford the tuition. Its been awhile (cause of covid) and now im thinking of going back to community for two years to start my...

Any advice on the things I’m interested in ?
I don't have a career goal yet, I'm looking for advice, I'm interested in public relations , fashion, modeling, sports, trade schools for painting and carpentry.
Any advice on the things I’m interested in ?

What do I need to be a famous designer
What do I need to become a famous designer and actor for different shows and I what do I need to have my first fashion show at a young age such as mine what motivation do I need

How to build my Clientele as a Hairsy
I want to further my business in a shop of my own one day but i dont have a consistent amount of clients

WNBA question
What do I need to do to in college and/or highschool to make it into the WNBA and be successful ?
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