Career questions tagged daycare

What are the ups and downs of being a daycare worker?
I’m a Middle school student who’s interested in being a daycare worker, and I’ve wondered a few things about it. What kind of education do you need to be able to become a daycare worker? What are the ups and downs of working with children and caring for them?

What's the proper major for someone who wants to own and run a daycare centered mental health ?
I want to work closely with newborns and babies, but I also love the idea of having my own psychology practice within my daycare. I'm not sure where to start.

What steps need to be taken to open your own daycare?
I am interested in starting up my own preschool or daycare and I am not sure where to start to get that process going.

Grants and funding to start a daycare
I would like to know if there are any grants or funding available to help start a daycare center?

How do you start your own Daycare?
I want to know the basic requirements to having your own daycare. For example, do you need a degree? How do you recruit people to work there? How do you get the parents to trust your new daycare? How much does it cost to start a daycare? Should I consider getting a degree in Business? #daycare #business #entrepreneur #children #child-care #child-development

how can i start my own daycare and work with younger childern
i want to start my own daycare and i want some advice to start #daycare #child-care

I want to become a music teacher for smaller children like in kindergarten, is this a good idea?
I want younger children to be exposed to various types of music because music is a major thing in the world. I do not know how to play any instruments very well besides the saxophone, which will not help me. However, I do want to try and open up a daycare with my bestfriend, and within some part of the day I want to teach them music. Also, I do want want to put on mini concerts for the parents and I know I can not do that at a daycare so I don´t know what to do. #music #children #youth #daycare #music-teaching

Do I need to take any specific classes in college to become a babysitter?
I am a sophomore in high school and i am very interested in kids. I need to know how many years it will take and what I need to know. #children #daycare #baby-sitting

What Things Do You Need To Have To Own A Day Care Business
I Think I Might Want To Own One? #business #college-majors #daycare

which college can i take to work with kids
is there like a college to help you talk and work with kids.. i like helping kids out , is there any colleges that helps you work with children? #jobs #college-selection #children #daycare