Salemburg, North Carolina
![Emily’s Avatar](
How useful would a journalism or english degree be in contingency with a law degree?
I want to go to law school to become a lawyer but I want to be an editor first, then later expand my education and change careers. How realistic is this plan and would the prior degree be of any help? #lawyer #judges #harvard
![Emily’s Avatar](
How difficult is it to find a job in publishing that allows you to afford the cost of living in New York?
I have always wanted to be an editor, however my concern now is in being capable of comfortably supporting myself. This newfound concern has led me to question whether my choice path will be realistic enough to pursue. #writing #editing #books #publishing #magazines #new-york #newspapers
![Courtney’s Avatar](
What is the best resource to study for the Kaplan Nurses entrance exam?
I will be taking the exam in the spring and want to be prepared. #nurse #entrance #nursing-student #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #nursing
![Courtney’s Avatar](
When considering a nursing program (and anticipating a move in the next two years) should I wait to begin nursing school until I know which state we will be relocating to?
Husband is Army and should be getting orders in the next two years. #nurse #military
![Alexandria’s Avatar](
What is the most frustrating thing about applying for scholarships?
I am in the process of doing this now and I want your opinion. #colleges #students
![Alexandria’s Avatar](
Are some career picked out by family members,? If so, are you happy with it?
I'm curious about what you have to go through. #business
![Alexandria’s Avatar](
What is the path you have to take in order to become a pastry or gourmet chef?
Very interested in this field. #chef #culinary #culinary-arts #baking #pastry
![Alexandria’s Avatar](
How hard is it to get a job with a background in ceramics?
I'm currently a double major in visual art/computer science. I love art especially, but I"m concerned. #visual-arts #visual-basic #art #fine-art #artist #career
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