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John’s Avatar
John Jul 12, 2018 467 views

What kind of essays are admission officers looking for when it comes to the application process?

I worried that I might not get into my dream school. #college

John’s Avatar
John Jul 12, 2018 512 views

Do I have a higher chance of getting accepted to a school if I declare a major?

#school #college #majors

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle May 31, 2018 590 views

How Much Would A Motion Designer Make In A Year?

#art #college #career

Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle May 31, 2018 575 views

What Do You Do When You're Stuck In A Creative Slump?

Usually I get stuck in a creative block and sometimes it's hard to get out of, I'm worried that this might affect me harshly during my college years and/or my future career. What's the best way to prevent or get out of this slump?

#career #art #college

Amber’s Avatar
Amber May 28, 2018 896 views

What types of jobs can come from studying Communications?

I’m curious as to what different kinds of jobs can come from studying communications in college. #communications #college

Amber’s Avatar
Amber May 28, 2018 543 views

How do you decide what to major in?

I have been doing research on different majors and am conflicted on how to decide on a field to study during college. I would appreciate advice and tips that anyone has to offer! #College

Anwar’s Avatar
Anwar May 17, 2018 655 views

How do you make the most of your STEM college education to succeed in your career? What elements that helps you establish yourself in a work/research environment? Any important set of skills, experiences, courses ...?

#career #engineering #success #career-path #STEM

Anwar’s Avatar
Anwar May 17, 2018 952 views

Is it true that low-income first generation students find it hard to succeed in and adapt to an Ivy League school?

#school #education #IvyLeague #low-income #success #college #ivy-league

Hallie’s Avatar
Hallie May 15, 2018 658 views

What to expect in an education program at college?

#being-an-elementary-teacher #k-12-education #primary-education #teaching #teacher

Hallie’s Avatar
Hallie May 15, 2018 832 views

Why are education programs so different from state to state?

Looking to go into the education field. #college #education #education-management

Shea’s Avatar
Shea Apr 27, 2018 864 views

Is my major too specific to get a good job in the future?

I am going into wildlife and conservation biology at URI and I am worried that there wont be that many jobs available to me once I get my degree. I know that there are always jobs for environmentalist majors in general - but maybe my major just isnt practical. #struggle #environmental-science

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Apr 21, 2018 777 views

I tend to get very anxious towards the end of each semester. How do I maintain my focus?

Despite being on top of all my classes' assignments, tests, and even arriving on time, I still get overwhelmed with anxiety each semester. That makes it so hard to concentrate and complete the work, as I had done earlier in the semester. I tried meditation, exercise, prescribed medication and...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Apr 21, 2018 1210 views

What skills are important for a future graphic designer to have to become most marketable when finding a job?

I'm a sophomore in college taking a variety of graphic design classes as well as courses required for graduation. I'm trying to figure out what skills or possible college minor to choose in order to allow for the greatest range of career choices.
#graphic-design #graphic-designer

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Apr 19, 2018 2176 views

How can I make myself look like the best candidate for a scholarship?

I have committed to a college and its very expensive to pay and I need all the money I can get. How can I stand out to scholarship readers so that they want to choose me rather than anyone else? #scholarships #applications #essay #college #financial-aid

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Apr 19, 2018 500 views

After completing college and getting a degree how can I ensure that I get a job in that field?

I am planning on majoring in plant sciences and I want to make sure that I get a job that is relevant to plants and the environment. However I know that the economy is not the best and being just graduated from college just looking for a decent payed job is hard enough. How can I ensure during...

Shawn’s Avatar
Shawn Apr 18, 2018 835 views

What is better, joining a small game development company or a large one?

I aspire to become a video game developer, with one of my plans being to join a game development company. After I graduate college, should I start out by applying to work at small ones or large ones?


Shawn’s Avatar
Shawn Apr 18, 2018 994 views

Are game design companies constantly looking for interns?

I plan to go into Digital Media and Design in college so I can learn how to become a Video Game Developer. I was thinking that if I wanted to get a chance at joining a game company, an internship at one might be good for my resume. Are U.S. Game Design companies always open to hiring interns?...

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Mar 27, 2018 751 views

What are some classes to take in college that will make me a more well-rounded person?

College offers so many opportunities to learn new things - but we don't have a lot of extra class time after we take the requirements for the core curriculum and for our major. So I would like a few recommendations on courses that are worth taking so I can learn something else that is fun and...

Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Mar 27, 2018 902 views

What is the best Communications major to get involved in the making of commercials?

I have been accepted to college for the fall and I am now deciding on my major. I thought it would be Video Production but I don't always want to be behind the camera. What types of communication majors would help me be both a production expert but also a business position -- working on...

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Mar 26, 2018 684 views

Should student debt be a major deterrent in determining which university to attend?

While there are many factors to consider when choosing a college, one of my largest has been the cost to attend. I know there is no clear-cut answer to whether or not a certain university is worth attending over the other, but should student debt be one of the most important (if not the most...

Brendan’s Avatar
Brendan Mar 26, 2018 720 views

How much debt is too much debt when deciding on which college to attend?

Like many seniors in high school, I am trying to decide which college I should attend next year. One of my biggest concerns of course is the massive cost required to attend a university. My question is whether there is a limit on how much I should spend on my education. Is there a generally...

Alina’s Avatar
Alina Mar 20, 2018 913 views

What are some tips for a beginning entrepreneur to learn about branding

I am a grad student starting a health and environmentally conscious skin care line and need to figure out what my company will embody. What are some suggestions I can get to help guide me towards my ideal customer, what my brand stands for and how it's different than the rest. I really want it...

Alina’s Avatar
Alina Mar 20, 2018 723 views

What is the best study tool to learn economics for beginners?

I am taking Competitive Strategy at the Yale School of Management this semester. I have no economics background and even though the material isn't completely over my head, I feel intimidated and behind. What can I do to catch up, even a little? Is there a one-stop website or book that can...

Alina’s Avatar
Alina Mar 20, 2018 1084 views

How does a startup go from selling to independent boutiques to large retail stores?

I am in graduate school developing a health and environmentally conscious skin care line. Since I have reached out to different stores of how I can acquire shelf space, I feel that there is a gap in my knowledge between small and large retailers. I'm aware that I need to make bigger sales and...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Mar 16, 2018 879 views

How to succeed in medical school

I am planning on attending medical school but have heard that it can be mentally and emotionally draining. What is the best advice for not only doing well academically but also being mentally healthy in medical school?
#medicine #medicalschool #mentalhealth

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Mar 16, 2018 835 views

Are gap years ok to take before med school?

My goal is to go to medical school and become a physician. However, I feel that if I have a little more time, I can get more clinical experience and be a more competitive applicant. Are gap years looked down upon by medical schools?
#medicine #gap-year

Mikayla’s Avatar
Mikayla Mar 16, 2018 823 views

If I am asked to apply for financial aid, did I get accepted to the college?

I have been asked to apply for financial aid by multiple colleges and afterward, I receive my admission packet.
#collegeapps #financialaid #acceptance

Mikayla’s Avatar
Mikayla Mar 16, 2018 927 views

How can I master Time Management?

I have always been a giant procrastinator and I've deduced that the only way to succeed in college is to have good time management. #collegefreshman #success #procrastination

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Mar 15, 2018 698 views

Aboout how many classes should one expect to take in a semester in college?

Taking 6-7 classes in a row in one day for high school can be a grueling task, but I have heard that most people take far fewer in college with breaks in between. What should I expect going into freshman year? #class #freshman

Zach’s Avatar
Zach Mar 15, 2018 2171 views

What is the workload for an average finance major?

I am currently a high school senior anxious to get out of high school and pursue a major in finance. I have received many mixed messages regarding the workload of an average college student (which makes sense), but I would like to know more specifically what the workload would be for my major?...

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