Career questions tagged preschool

As a preschool teacher how do you deal with upset parents?
Aisha F. Age 19
Active Dec 22, 2023

What steps need to be taken to open your own daycare?
I am interested in starting up my own preschool or daycare and I am not sure where to start to get that process going.
Active May 03, 2023

What do you wish you would have done before becoming a teacher?
Hi! I'm Alli, I'm 15 and interested in pursuing early childhood education. I was curious if any teachers have things they wish they would have done before college or finding a job? Teaching children is something I've always been interested in, I'm just not entirely sure on the steps I should take and what exactly to prepare myself for.
Active Dec 22, 2023

What are requirements I would have to meet in order to become an Early Childhood Educator?
I have a experience working in a preschool and it made me see being a teacher in early childhood as a possible career interest for me. #early-childhood-education #preschool #teaching #teacher #working-with-children
Active Dec 22, 2023