Career questions tagged childcare-preschool

How do I find babysitting jobs?
I am going into 9th grade. I love to be around little kids. I do not have many people to babysit for, though. My parents do not want me to put up flyers because they don't want me to be going into other people's homes.
Active Nov 04, 2023

What steps need to be taken to open your own daycare?
I am interested in starting up my own preschool or daycare and I am not sure where to start to get that process going.
Active May 03, 2023

What do you wish you would have done before becoming a teacher?
Hi! I'm Alli, I'm 15 and interested in pursuing early childhood education. I was curious if any teachers have things they wish they would have done before college or finding a job? Teaching children is something I've always been interested in, I'm just not entirely sure on the steps I should take and what exactly to prepare myself for.
Active Dec 22, 2023