Career questions tagged horsetrainer

What are good tips for someone who wants to go into training horses and working with kids?
I have been called a mother hen by adults, because of how obsessed with kids I am. But I also have been around horses my whole life, I´m pretty good with them.

How do I find a job as a Ranch Hand?
Hello, really I am looking to see if anyone here has connections with a ranch owner in The Midwest/South US. That would need help taking care of there horses and other animals starting in Summer 2025. I would only be seeking this kind of work until Fall/Winter of 2026. Thank you!

What is the highest pay for being a horse trainer?
Hi, I was wondering what the highest pay for being a horse trainer is. I want to know because I would like to have some horse and take care of and ride at home.

Do you travel a lot and go to events?
Hi, I was wondering if you travel a lot to get the events and places to train the horses. Do you go to events with the horses and people you train and help there?

Do you have to work with young horses and get a saddle on them?
When working with young horses they can act up when putting the saddle on. And putting a saddle on and working with them on that can take a long time and a type of skill. I wanted to know if you work with young horses or if a different kind of person does. I was also wondering if it can take a very long time to get a saddle on a young horse.

How can I start a career in Equine Studies/Science?
I live in Minnesota, and I am looking for a career that can help me in my dream career, which is to work with equines. I have been riding horses for a while now, and I want to share that experience with other people. What are some fields that I could go into that are related to this, or that involve riding? Thanks!

Is my career choice a good decision?
I'm only a freshman in high school, so I am able to change my decision, but I think this is probably what I want to do. I just wanted some more peoples' opinions about it, whether I should minor in something else as a backup plan or something. So, my plan is to major in an equine degree in college, probably Equine Studies unless there is a better one offered. After college, I really want to have my own farm for people to board their horses and be a horse trainer and a riding instructor. Do you think I'll be making enough to have a good and comfortable life? I don't know if I want to have kids yet, and if I do I'll probably only want one or two, so do you think I'd be able to provide for them (if they exist) and myself, plus a SO? Also, how long do you think it would take to build that business after college? I would have to buy the land/house/barn(s), make sure fencing was good, and that would be a lot of money alone. I also don't know where I would want to live, so any ideas of where would be the most beneficial/cost efficient/best overall would be great. I've always wanted to work with horses, in Kindergarten when they ask you what you want to be, I said a Cowgirl. I showed and rode for a few years, but it was expensive and the horses I used weren't great (one was too old and the other went lame), so I've had to stop, and since then it's been my goal to make a life with horses. I also wanted to be a teacher for a while. I think this is what I really want to do. Are there any other little jobs I could do to make extra money if I need? Preferably including horses or teaching? Sorry this is so long, but any answers would be amazing!

Does anyone know of any good equine colleges?
I have a few years to think about it, so it's not a rushed decision by any means, but I have been looking around at colleges and have a small list. I was wondering if anyone else had any other colleges that would be good for me to add to my list. So, I want to go to college and major in Equine Studies or some other equine major. I plan to be a horse trainer and/or riding instructor, and my dream is to start a business where I can do both, and probably and up boarding horses and offering transportation services too. Some colleges that I've been thinking about are the University of Findlay, William Woods University, Emory & Henry University, and a couple others. I just kind of want some other colleges with good equine programs, and if anyone knows any other majors that would suit my needs better, that'd be great to know too.

Advice for aspiring horse trainers and horse riding instructors from low-income families?
I really want to be both a horse trainer and a horse riding instructor, however, I come from a low-income family who can't afford horses, pickups, trailers, a farm house, or anything of that sort. I'm currently a senior in high school who plans on going to college for Equine Management, however I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to have the career I truly want because I was born into a low-income family and will have a hard time paying for these things, including college itself. Are there any horse trainers and/or riding instructors that you know of (or if you're one yourself) that came from a low-income family and is now a horse trainer and/or a riding instructor? Are there any grants specifically for students going into equine related majors? If you're a trainer and/or an instructor, what steps did you take to get where you are today? Thank you! #career #college-major #equine #horse #horsetrainer #horseriding #horseridinginstructor

What would be the best college for horse trainers and horse riding instructors?
I've been accepted into an Iowa community college recently for Equine Management, however I'd like to look at some other options also. I live in South Dakota currently, and I would prefer to stay close to South Dakota in case something happens and I need to come back home. Where did you go to college? Did you go to college at all? If so, do you feel that what you've learned there helps you in your day-to-day job with horses? Thank you! #horse #equine #horseriding #horseridinginstructor #horsetrainer

Where would be the best area to live in to work as a horse trainer and a riding instructor?
I currently live in South Dakota, but I plan on going to college in Iowa for Equine Management. Would Iowa be a good place to work in for training and instructing? If not there, what other areas would bring me the most clients and would be good environment-wise? (weather, terrain, etc.) I would prefer to stay close to South Dakota, but I'm willing to go farther if I need to. Thank you! #horse #equine #horseriding #horseridinginstructor #horsetrainer

Is there a high demand for horse trainers and horse riding instructors?
I'm a senior in high school, and I have been accepted into a community college for Equine Management. I would like to be a horse trainer and a horse riding instructor. Before I decide whether to stay with that major or not, I would like to know if I'll be able to find a job quickly after I graduate, and be able to provide for myself with these jobs. #equine #horse #horsetrainer #horseridinginstructor #ridinginstructor