Career questions tagged thesis

How to make use of my extended college year ?
I am a university student in Hong Kong. Recently I have failed in completing my thesis in order to graduate. The general office of my major has informed that I have to extend my study period in order to retake this subject. I am quite worried as I am afraid that I would waste a lot of time, while my other classmate already graduated to find job. What should I do in order not to waste the extend study period ? #finalyear #worries #fail #thesis #unemloyed #lowgpa #gpa #direction #urbanstudies #architecture

How do I choose a thesis topic?
What kinds of things do I need to look into with my adviser and university, like resources? And what about the topic itself - how do I make sure I'm not picking something too advanced/graduate level? (I'm an undergraduate biochemistry major). #thesis

What are the average requirements for a thesis or dissertation?
I am an avid writer, and I don't think a thesis or dissertation will be too difficult for me. However, this is a high school student speaking, so I can't really be sure. I'd like to know ( on average) what the requirements are in the forensic pathology field, so I can get used to writing with them. Thank you! #doctorate-degree #masters #writing #thesis #dissertation #highschool #forensics #medical-education

Are there any good websites that let you "search" degree types?
Maybe one that lets you select your interests and it generates possible degree types (majors or specializations) similar to it? If this doesn't exist, careervillage should make a start-up! #college #science #college-major #graduate-school #interest #thesis