Matt Huang
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What is a job in industrial design like?
Hi, I'm in 8th grade and I am curious to hear from industrial designers. I heard that industrial designers design all of the things that we use in homes and schools. But what is a job in industrial design actually like? Are you like an artist? I want to imagine if I would like the job or not....

How to make a transition from fine arts to design?
Hello, I am studding plastic arts and recently I rediscovered my passion for geometry and spatial expressions, I would love to pursue a career in design rather than becoming an artist. Even though plastic and applied arts are similar disciplines to study, I worry that requirements in job...

How can I make the most of my creative side in engineering? What would it take to get into the design sector?
Former USC music graduate looking to graduate from USC's Viterbi School of Engineering #engineering #design

In industrial design and video games, what are the skills that can be easily applied to both industries and the skills that are specific to each other?
I'm currently studying in industrial design at university and I enjoy getting my ideas to become a reality. I went into this program not knowing much besides that it involved drawings and model making which I love. However, during the years, our classes have had the chance to meet some...

Are the jobs for CADD Drafters common or in high demand?
I am planning on getting a 2 year degree in CADD Drafting, because it's something I am very interested in, and I would like to know if I would be able to get a job after I get my degree.
#design #computer-aided-drafting #drafting

Is it possible to work at Nike with a degree in Industrial Design?
I'm asking because i have always wanted to work at Nike and my teacher told me that industrial design is a really good career to choose. #design #industrial-design #nike

How did you assure people that an artistic career path was viable?
I am going down a path of theatrical design and I always feel like I am being asked about my backup plan, yet no one is asking my peers this kind of question. #future #theatre #design #art

What is the best way to pay for college like Savannah College of Art and Design?
I am asking this question because I recently was admitted to #Savannah #College of #Art and #Design and its a very expensive college and also my# dream college but the #money part is an issue. I don't receive #FAFSA which is an issue, and my family cant affords the #school. I would like to...

What advice would you give a student that is majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Studio Arts with the goal of being an Industrial Designer?
I have a passion for innovation. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Studio Arts. I am combining the two because it is my goal to be an Industrial Designer. Mechanical Engineering is teaching me how and why things work the way they do. Studio Arts is my creative outlet and...

Are 3D modelers able to choose what 3D package they work in?
If I were to get a job in the game industry as a 3D modeler, would I be able to choose what program I modeled in, or do companies have a set program they want to be used? #video-games #game-companies #design #computer-science #computer-graphics

Do creative professionals get tired of working on the computer?
I am a very artistic student and I've been considering career paths in architecture, graphic design, and interior design but for all three, much time is spent on the computer. Does it ever get old? #college #career #graphic-design #design #art

What would the best fit for an Industrial Designer + MBA be?
#design #MBA #business #entrepreneur #product design #tech

What would be the best degree to get if I am interested in becoming a industrial or commercial designer?
#design #Graphicde #graphic-design #art

what is the best programming language for drawing 3-D pictures?
I wanna design 3-D artifact with simple programming languages #programming #design #game-design #computer

What should I put in my fashion and design portfolio, and when should it be done?
I’m dead set on being a fashion designer, but as a year round athlete, it’s hard to build a portfolio. More specifically one that is worth looking at. #fashion #design