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Whitmore Lake, Michigan
15 Questions
443 Karma

sydnee’s Career Goals

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 657 views

Can you work at an aquarium but still be working at the zoo?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. I like animals and that's why I thought a zookeeper would be a good job for me when I get older. My teacher is having the class ask questions about the careers we would like when we got older. #career #career-choice...

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 681 views

What does one day look like as a zookeeper?

I'm in 8th grade I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us ask questions about the careers we would like to do when we get older. #tech #career #career-development #zookeepers #anyzookeepers

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 939 views

How much money do horse trainers make?

I'm in 8th grade. My teacher is asking us to ask questions about the jobs we would like to have when we are older. This class is called career and technology. #horses #salary #career #veterinary-medicine

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 719 views

How much money can you make in one year as a zookeeper?

I'm in 8th grade. I'm doing an elective called career and technology. My teacher is having us ask questions about the careers we would like to do when we get older. #money #career-path #career-options #career-development #career #zookeeper

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 646 views

What is the best way to get a job as a zookeeper?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having the class ask questions about what they would like to do in the future. #classes #career-choice #zookeeper #job

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 938 views

What age can you start working at a zoo?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us do a project by having us ask questions about our future jobs we would like to have. #anyone #career-options

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 755 views

What does it take to be a teacher?

I'm in 8th grade and I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us do a project about the careers we would like to do when we are older, she asked us to ask some questions we have. #children #teaching #career #teacher

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 2313 views

Is being a kindergarten teacher a good job?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us do a project by asking questions about the careers we want to do when we get older. #students #career #teaching #k-12-education #teacher

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 757 views

Is being a kindergarten teacher fun?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. We are doing a project by asking questions about the careers we would like to do when we are older. #career #teacher #english #principal #teaching

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 1296 views

What internships would be good for a kindergarten teacher?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology we are doing a project. For our project we are asking questions about the jobs we would like to do. #teacher #special-effects #principal #teaching #career

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 1168 views

How do you become a Kindergarten teacher?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology we learn about what careers we want to to when we are older. My teacher is having us do a project by having us asking questions for the jobs that interests us. #teacher #teaching

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 753 views

How much land do you need if you are a horse trainer?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us do a project to ask questions about what we would want to do when we are older. #career #horse trainers

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 682 views

How much money would it cost to become a Horse Trainer?

I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us do a project and we are asking questions about what we would like to do when we are older. #horses #horses trainer

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 1062 views

Would a horse trainer be a good job for a girl who has been around horses her whole life?

I'm 8th grade and I have a class called career and technology. She has us doing a project to ask questions about the jobs we would like to do when we are older. #career #career #careers #job #salary #life

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sydnee Oct 27, 2020 635 views

How do you become a horse trainer?

Im in 8th grade and im in a class called career and technology. She has us doing a project and asking questions about the jobs we would like to do when we are older. #career #horses #jobs