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Marilyn Balke-Lowry’s Avatar

Marilyn Balke-Lowry

Artist/Owner at Imaginart; Director of College Guidance Consultants, creators of E-Scholarships USA!
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Humble, Texas
85 Answers
97114 Reads
331 Karma


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Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Jan 14, 2019 1102 views

Which is better: continuing to work a job you've grown to dislike because it is advantageous for you career-wise, or finding a new job that you genuinely enjoy?

I've always believed that if you pursue a career you love, then you'll never work a day in your life, so I've followed my dreams and have always planned to pursue my passion, even if it might not result in the most high-paying job. This passion is writing. However, throughout the years, I've...

manuel’s Avatar
manuel Jan 15, 2019 676 views

how did you know what you wanted for your career path?

like how did you know what you wanted to be? #career-choice

cyana’s Avatar
cyana Jan 15, 2019 638 views

What was the hardest decision you had to make in order to pursue your career


Cassidy’s Avatar
Cassidy Jan 11, 2019 950 views

How did you figure out what the right career path was for you?

#undecided #career-choice #major

John’s Avatar
John Sep 21, 2018 1084 views

I want to be a photographer for a magazine or newspaper, would it be a good idea to persue a communications degree?

commuications degree or art degree?

Ang’s Avatar
Ang Sep 17, 2018 1852 views

I want to be a cartoon or tv show creator (creator/writer- not animator) What are the best things to major in for this career? What are the best colleges to go to?

#art #major #college-major #college #cartoon #TV #television #writing #creative #creator #cartoon-creator #cartoon-writer #TV-show-writer #Television-Writer #writer

Breanna’s Avatar
Breanna Sep 05, 2018 967 views

What are a few realistic jobs that involve traveling around the world?

I highly enjoy traveling and was wondering if there are any jobs where traveling could be a frequent activity. #travel #career

sabrina’s Avatar
sabrina Aug 31, 2018 824 views

Is attending a college thats far away from home worth it?

I live in New York and I'm considering going to school in South Florida. #school #travel #far #college

Clarise’s Avatar
Clarise Apr 04, 2018 1238 views

How many hours of classes should I take per semester?

I am working on enrolling, and I will be a full-time student. I want to take as many gen-ed classes as I can to get them out of the way, but how many hours would you recommend I take? I won't be living on campus, so I don't want to overload on classes, but I would like to get classes done....

Lindsey’s Avatar
Lindsey Jan 22, 2018 788 views

Travel opportunities for historians

I will pursue a degree in history and would like to know if there are any jobs that will afford me the opportunity to travel.

#history #travel

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Mar 26, 2018 861 views

What events (in university) helped you decide what you were going to do after university?

I have a general goal I want to achieve- make people's lives better. At this point in time, I have equal interest in doing so either through studying psychology and becoming an advisor or something that can provide greater mental health resources in institutions/communities or by going into...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Mar 26, 2018 1341 views

Is it wise to try and balance school/a career and a fairly intensive hobby at the same time?

I'm passionate about art! However, I don't want to try and make it into a career. I won't go into the reasons behind that right now, but I do want to keep creating on the side and continually improving, something that's really only possible if I dedicate a lot of time and effort to it, in...

Normaris’s Avatar
Normaris Mar 13, 2018 710 views

What is the best way to pay for college like Savannah College of Art and Design?

I am asking this question because I recently was admitted to #Savannah #College of #Art and #Design and its a very expensive college and also my# dream college but the #money part is an issue. I don't receive #FAFSA which is an issue, and my family cant affords the #school. I would like to...

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 20, 2018 728 views

Do I have to know what career I want my freshman year of college?

I have decided on a major but have not quite decided on a career yet. #psychology #career-choice

Queen’s Avatar
Queen Jan 29, 2018 699 views

Is it possible to be a dancer, martial arts learner, pediatrician, missionary and still have time for my kids and family in the future?

I really want to be all these. They are my goals in life but I also don't want to abandon my children by traveling too much or not being a good mother to them. How can I balance all these goals?#college-advice #medicine #pediatrics #dance #martial-arts #career-choice #career-counseling