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Katherine Avery’s Avatar

Katherine Avery

Run a music studio and teach private music lessons; teach college-level religion classes
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Spanish Fork, Utah
366 Answers
420082 Reads
97 Karma


Civic Duty
shayan’s Avatar
shayan Dec 20, 2024 1206 views

how do i know what i am good at and what to try and where to go there are so many things in the world how would i know ??

there are so many things in this world so how would i know what to try and what to not what if the thing in left behind was the thing i should go but i never tried it

Karri’s Avatar
Karri Dec 13, 2024 992 views

Hi there! I'm looking for a profession that I can write user manuals for software, make tip sheets, Evergreens, knowledge base articles, etc. I have experience in this just from working in previous jobs, but would like to know where I'd be able to get infi to do this exclusively without having to start my own business. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

Hi there! I'm looking for a profession that I can write user manuals for software, make tip sheets, Evergreens, knowledge base articles, etc. I have experience in this just from working in previous jobs, but would like to know where I'd be able to get infi to do this exclusively without having...

Harsi’s Avatar
Harsi Dec 13, 2024 1002 views

How can I be successful with my Business Administration Degree?

Hello, I am a first-semester freshman and due to my negligence I received a C in one of my classes. I have an average GPA now (around 3.5 if I do well in all my other classes), but I want to succeed with the Business Admin. Degree. I know I want to work in marketing, social media marketing, and...

lacie’s Avatar
lacie Dec 12, 2024 606 views

what should I do if I wanna do sports and music?

I love sports and music. all I want to do Is do something with sports. I wanna be a softball couch but I also wanna do Music. how much money will I get and will it be a good thing to do both

Laurel’s Avatar
Laurel Dec 11, 2024 673 views

How do you get a job in finance?

How do you become a Finance for a job.
Such as colleges that are good for Finance and what courses to take in high school. I am in middle school and am interested in this job.

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Dec 10, 2024 550 views

Why is your business not growing ?

What is your business not going? Why are you not making profit? Why are you losing? Why is your business running down? What are the things to do to make it unwell? How do make profit from it?

Barbra’s Avatar
Barbra Dec 09, 2024 329 views

how can i improve my self esteem?

am in grade 10

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Dec 09, 2024 691 views

What type of business do you run?

What type of business do you run?

Jasmin’s Avatar
Jasmin Dec 02, 2024 624 views

How can I find the right branch of psychology to pursue?

I am not drawn to clinical but it feels like that is my only option. I like the idea of social work but that is not my major and again do not want to do therapy. What are my other options? Where can I find internships/ experience opportunities that will allow me to find my niche.

Jennifer’s Avatar
Jennifer Dec 01, 2024 1318 views

Is there any place i can volunteer which is psychology related?

I am a high school student who is looking to grasp at any opportunity to gain any sort of experience which can help me in the long run with my chosen career path, psychology.

Zouhair’s Avatar
Zouhair Nov 29, 2024 1461 views

how i can change this situation and have a promising life ?

HOW , hey every one my name is zouhair m from morocco i just moved to the us couple months ago i tried manyyy jobs but in this kinda jobs i feel like m traped and nothing is promising i will spwnd all my life making what gonna be enough from a week to the other i need some tips on how to find...

bill’s Avatar
bill Nov 27, 2024 567 views

how can i turn my love for music into a career?

i like music

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Nov 22, 2024 429 views

How to become a preacher?

Share your journey & guide aspiring preachers on their path.

Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

ann’s Avatar
ann Nov 21, 2024 513 views

what do business people invest in?

like investment

Brian’s Avatar
Brian Nov 17, 2024 594 views

What made you pursue going into the psychology field?

Hi my name is Brian and I have some questions that I would like to ask regarding the psychology field and possibly find my dream job in that field. First off, when did you realize you wanted to be in the psychology field and what is the reason you pursued it? What were the steps you took to be...