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Shruti Tandon’s Avatar

Shruti Tandon

New Brunswick, New Jersey
39 Answers
54058 Reads
21 Karma

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Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Feb 09, 2022 1882 views

What if I don't know what I want to do as a career in the future

As a high school student I find many things interesting, but I still don't know what I want to got to college for or even what I want to do as a career. I would appreciate any advice that helped you make this decision. #college #career-choice #career #student

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Oct 10, 2021 1149 views

What is the best way to prepare yourself for internships?

I am curious as to how to network and find internships that could fit your skill sets and would benefit your greater skills #internship #networking #intern

Reva’s Avatar
Reva Jul 25, 2018 1532 views

Are internships important to have in high school?

#buisness #high-school #high-school-students

CareerVillage ’s Avatar
CareerVillage Jan 13, 2012 12390 views

What are the benefits and disadvantages of being in a band?

I'm interested in being in a rock band, but when you're in a band you have to work as a team, instead of competing, what is it like. I'm senior in high school in the Bronx. This is something I want to be part time because I want to be an entrepreneur. I've been in a band before, and I play...

Anthony’s Avatar
Anthony Jun 29, 2018 923 views

Should I do marching band in college?

I know that in college, marching band is intense and takes a lot of time. Is it fun and challenging and worth the time investment? Or is it not worth the time spent? #Band #Marching

Joanna’s Avatar
Joanna Mar 16, 2018 873 views

How can I manage my time more effectiely?

I am having a hard time managing my time between work and #school

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jul 18, 2019 1272 views

How do you organize your time?


Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Jan 24, 2022 1202 views

What is the best way to apply and earn internships for the tech industry?

I have been doing my research and through that, I have learned tech internships in big and upcoming/ startup companies is a great way entry to the industry and gain experience. #internship #technology #tech

Ethan’s Avatar
Ethan Feb 09, 2022 924 views

What college major would be helpful for starting a business?

I am wanting to start my own business, what college majors would be helpful for this?

candice’s Avatar
candice Apr 07, 2021 2681 views

can a student get a full-time job?

Very good character with a great personality. Disciplined and respectful. Hard worker and determined. Leader and Team worker. Punctual and prompt. Ambitious and Determined. Hands on and co-operative. Good grammar and communication skills. #career #business #fun #sonogram #artist #fashion...

Elisha’s Avatar
Elisha Nov 07, 2021 1964 views

Which field of Business is the most creative?

Hi there, I'm a junior in high-school currently looking at potential career paths I could embark on. I've been considering undertaking Digital Marketing as though I like the general field of Business, I also hope to instill creativity in what I do. Would you say that Digital Marketing is the...

Paridhi’s Avatar
Paridhi May 26, 2020 936 views

What are the best ways to fundraise?

#organization #fundraise #nonprofit #funds

Weam’s Avatar
Weam Jul 02, 2021 3283 views

How do I apply for a job when I have no work experience or have done any volunteer work?

I am a newcomer and find it hard to start.
I need to start building my resume. #resume #volunteer #first-job

Zemira’s Avatar
Zemira Aug 29, 2020 669 views

Are there any jobs/paid internships in New York City?

#Job #internship

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra Jan 03, 2022 871 views

I am confused on what career I should major in. How do I figure that out?

#major #career