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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian-Nutritionist & Software Developer since 1972 🡆 Optimization Of Human Performance
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations - Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Transportation and Material Moving Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
7220 Answers
9348705 Reads
4798 Karma


Civic Duty
Natalia’s Avatar
Natalia Nov 19, 2023 1568 views

What do I have to go thru to be a doctor?

I don’t know how to do it and would like people to help me

AREF’s Avatar
AREF Apr 25, 2021 1054 views

Do you think that age determines the change of job?

#jobs #first-job #job-market #summer-jobs #job #job #job #job #job #job #job

Mitansh’s Avatar
Mitansh Feb 08, 2023 858 views

How is technology integrated with surgery and the medical field.

What are the steps to become a surgeon and how is technology involved in it?

rae’s Avatar
rae Nov 19, 2023 609 views

How, Based on your experiences, would becoming a surgeon worth it I know it has awkward hours, weird timings to work and it's a lot of stress performing, but I think I would enjoy it. Not sure though!?

Life being a surgeon

Fey’s Avatar
Fey Nov 18, 2023 1398 views

how do I know if the sentence I am writing makes nay sense?

you can always read it to loud to yourself. or others

MY’s Avatar
MY Nov 16, 2023 2222 views

Where to go to college to become a bio med engineer and play sports?

I love soccer and I am also very passionate to be a bio medical engineer so where should I go to do both

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla Jul 27, 2023 454 views

Why do I do advanced courses?

How do I maintain a plan through courses and go through it. I would like to know the true basis of a course. I like AI’s but the approach to go through on a lot of things I don’t stand by

tisa’s Avatar
tisa Nov 18, 2023 642 views

How do you manage time with work and outside life ?

How do you manage time with work and outside life? Is it hard to focus on multiple different majors/minors at the same time, if so share your experience.

daneielle’s Avatar
daneielle Nov 19, 2023 1147 views

Looking for science related career path?

I am really unsure what I want to do.. No Med school, no patient care, no teaching. I really enjoy science itself but sitting and doing research my whole life just sounds boring. If anyone can help with a lucrative career path that has to do with science. I really liked immunology, etc in...

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Nov 18, 2023 432 views

How can I go about coding effectively ?

What are the things I need to know? What are the tools that can help learn coding easily?

em’s Avatar
em Nov 18, 2023 457 views

How do I get into psychology?

How do I get into psychology?

dinesh’s Avatar
dinesh Apr 20, 2016 1458 views

what is a human life?

my small doubt #life #human

Eric’s Avatar
Eric May 21, 2019 1182 views

what is life

What is my purpose and what are humans made for #human-resources

Infires’s Avatar
Infires Sep 08, 2023 5594 views

What are your future plans and a human being, how do you plan to make yourself or the world better, why do you feel this is a need, when are you going to start these dreams.?

What inspires you?

Maria Noemy’s Avatar
Maria Noemy Sep 18, 2023 1191 views

How hard it is for an international graduate in dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian and work in the US ?

I am Italian and I have obtained my four years BS in Human Nutrition and Dietetics in Spain. I would love to get some experience in the US, but I don't really know where to start.