James Constantine Frangos

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What do I have to go thru to be a doctor?
I don’t know how to do it and would like people to help me

Do you think that age determines the change of job?
#jobs #first-job #job-market #summer-jobs #job #job #job #job #job #job #job

How is technology integrated with surgery and the medical field.
What are the steps to become a surgeon and how is technology involved in it?

how do I know if the sentence I am writing makes nay sense?
you can always read it to loud to yourself. or others

Where to go to college to become a bio med engineer and play sports?
I love soccer and I am also very passionate to be a bio medical engineer so where should I go to do both

Why do I do advanced courses?
How do I maintain a plan through courses and go through it. I would like to know the true basis of a course. I like AI’s but the approach to go through on a lot of things I don’t stand by

How do you manage time with work and outside life ?
How do you manage time with work and outside life? Is it hard to focus on multiple different majors/minors at the same time, if so share your experience.

Looking for science related career path?
I am really unsure what I want to do.. No Med school, no patient care, no teaching. I really enjoy science itself but sitting and doing research my whole life just sounds boring. If anyone can help with a lucrative career path that has to do with science. I really liked immunology, etc in...

How can I go about coding effectively ?
What are the things I need to know? What are the tools that can help learn coding easily?

How hard it is for an international graduate in dietetics to become a Registered Dietitian and work in the US ?
I am Italian and I have obtained my four years BS in Human Nutrition and Dietetics in Spain. I would love to get some experience in the US, but I don't really know where to start.