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James Constantine Frangos’s Avatar

James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian-Nutritionist & Software Developer since 1972 🡆 Optimization Of Human Performance: jim.frangos@gmail
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations - Personal Care and Service Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
6793 Answers
6714293 Reads
4330 Karma


Civic Duty
Phineas’s Avatar
Phineas Sep 13, 2023 610 views

How did you learn c#?

It hurts my brain

Malak’s Avatar
Malak Feb 17, 2023 1136 views

What are the steps to become a pediatrician? And how many years? #CV23

I’ve always wanted to become a pediatrician because, I love helping people and I’m good at working with kids. But, before pursing a career in the medical field I want to know the steps and, how many years will it take from now?

marli’s Avatar
marli Jun 07, 2023 582 views

what would be the best way to find a job?

What are the best ways to find a job that would be the one u stick to for the rest of your life? Also why would it be the best way?

Suyash’s Avatar
Suyash May 22, 2023 410 views

Hello My name is Suyash and I am a high school student. I am conducting an interview with a professional who is an optician for my Health Science class. I have 13 questions total that need to be answered. Comment on the post and answer all 13 questions for your response to be a part of the assignment.

1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4.How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot...

Laa’s Avatar
Laa Jun 15, 2023 572 views

When did you decide the career path you wanted?

When did you decide the career path you wanted?

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Sep 13, 2023 1572 views

When should I start deciding my career path?

I am unsure of what to pursue in college because there is so many options! I like a lot of different things and not sure what I would be best at. I am not sure when to start really focusing on something that I really would want to do.

nierre’s Avatar
nierre Jul 12, 2023 537 views

How do you tend to stay motivated when things keep crashing down on you?

An other words, what are some tips to stay motivated. I'm not eligible to work without a working permit. I don't know what school i'm going to. I have no way of income and its hard to stay positive when you're young and have to provide for yourself.

Lina’s Avatar
Lina Sep 06, 2023 644 views

Should I get a second bachelor's degree if I didn't like my career-oriented classes in my first BS degree?

I loved my lower division classes for my Bachelor's. I majored in Interactive Design, and my less-career related classes included drawing, color theory, and visual communication. As I got into the upper division classes, I found I enjoyed them less and less. It's been several years since I...

Emu’s Avatar
Emu Sep 08, 2023 462 views

What choicescan i make into having a good careerand financialplanning?

How do I know what colleges have the most educational teaching for careers such as becoming a doctor, nurse, etc. As starters for in high school what should I focus on more to achieving my career. What is a pathwaysthat will help me become more interested in for medical research?

Clory’s Avatar
Clory Sep 06, 2023 639 views

What career should I focus on?

I have doubts if I want to build a career as a digital artist or as a graphic designer. If I can't choose what career I want to pursue in life, should I pick what I love doing or the one that is the most profitable and in demand? I did some research and I think nowadays there's more demand for...

Mariel’s Avatar
Mariel May 05, 2016 1186 views

Do I have to major in biology to be an ornithologist/zoologist?

I want to be a zoologist, specifically an ornithologist focused on research and conservation. However, I'm not particularly interested in what is going on inside the bird. I understand how that would be important to know, but I don't want my major (i.e. biology) to simply be focused on this....

Ella’s Avatar
Ella Sep 02, 2023 512 views

How do you know if you're chasing the right career?

How do you know for sure what career to chase

Kylah’s Avatar
Kylah Sep 01, 2023 1279 views

How do I get recognized in my art?

I want to make money off of something I love but idk how to start-

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Aug 30, 2023 1159 views

How do I know what career path is for me?

i have careers in mind that I'm interested in, but I can't decide which one would be best for me to pursue and work towards.

Tiffani’s Avatar
Tiffani Sep 07, 2023 609 views

Why is it so hard to get a job?

Why is it so hard for me to pick what job I want? I have people telling me to do this people telling me to do that, and it’s kind of hard to choose what I want when other people are trying to make me do what they want. #jobs