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david jakovac’s Avatar

david jakovac

Management Occupations - Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Eagle, Idaho
18 Answers
12642 Reads
21 Karma

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Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jul 06, 2023 667 views

What do collages look for on your application?

Currently, I am interested in understanding the key factors that colleges prioritize when evaluating applications. Specifically, I would like to gain insights into which academic courses, extracurricular activities, and club involvements are considered significant. I believe it is important to...

Malia’s Avatar
Malia Jul 05, 2023 422 views

What are the best agricultural schools?

I am interested in agriculture and want to go to school on the west of the US, but don't know what good schools there are. Thanks!

Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Jul 02, 2023 630 views

My question is what is a good routine or habit that I can build that will help me in college. Also how can I achieve this and I would also like advice on some of the best colleges out there.?

My question is what is a good routine or habit that I can build that will help me in college. Also how can I achieve this and I would also like advice on some of the best colleges out there.

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Jun 29, 2023 1083 views

Do major firms ask its employees to do volunteer hours?

Just wondering because I see lots of volunteers on this site responding to people and I was wondering if the companies you all work for encourage that. Thank you!

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 26, 2023 1463 views

How do I become more comfortable with making mistakes or even failing? ?

Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform!

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 26, 2023 494 views

What online courses have helped you the most in your career?

Note: this is part of our professionals series where volunteers share questions they wish they saw on the platform

Dallas’s Avatar
Dallas Jun 13, 2023 527 views

What are three important things I should know about the carpentry profession?

(e.g. working conditions, typical schedule, rewards, and challenges including those for people new to the job)?

Adeline’s Avatar
Adeline Jun 14, 2023 448 views

How do you choose what you want to do in life when there are so many options?

I keep going back and forth between job options.

elias’s Avatar
elias Jun 05, 2023 693 views

Is there any heavy lifting in the career of an electrician?

hello my name is Eli im learning electrical im here to ask will i be doing any heavy lifting and if so would it be as much as a carpenter?

elias’s Avatar
elias Jun 05, 2023 561 views

What tools are commonly used in electrical?

Hello Im Eli I'm going to learn electrical and im wondering what tools I should become familiar with. Could anyone let me know what tools I would be using as an electrician.

Renee’s Avatar
Renee May 08, 2023 547 views

What do you recommend I do during my senior year?

I feel like during senior year, there will be too much stuff going on and I won't know what to focus on first. What would you recommend I prioritize or what things should I accomplish as a senior? (socially and academically or just in general)

Mariam’s Avatar
Mariam Jun 04, 2023 703 views

Which career fits best in helping and taking care of people What steps do you need to take in order to achieve the goal of entering this career??

Middle school student that loves to help out the community.

Apollo’s Avatar
Apollo May 23, 2023 890 views

Why is business important?

Why is business important?

Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin May 22, 2023 352 views

What does a normal day look like for a Water Resource Specialist?

If possible what does a busy day look like to a Water Resource Specialist?

I'm a student an SJ Job Corpse and I would like to know, in case this is a future profession i would like to follow

Laksha’s Avatar
Laksha May 22, 2023 1083 views

My career path in college

How can I maintain my grades in high school, and how can I decide what I want to major in?How do I understand what I am passionate it, and how can I execute a plan to understand my career path?