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Anahi diaz’s Avatar

Anahi diaz

Phoenix, Arizona
84 Answers
115516 Reads
232 Karma

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Barb’s Avatar
Barb Aug 07, 2023 1241 views

What are way I can become a more focused student?

As a student ready to learn each day, sometime things or people cloud be distracting. Some distraction have impact my learning much more than I would have liked, so I'm here to ask of way that I can adjust to does distraction or I can focused less on the distraction but more one what I'm...

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Nov 08, 2023 1856 views

Why is school so long?

question writing tips

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Aug 02, 2018 606 views

How should you be prepared for college during your senior year?

what to do before you leave high school
What to do before college starts
What to pack #college #school #high-school

Barbara’s Avatar
Barbara May 13, 2023 522 views

# High school

What are some things to keep you motivated? I am struggling staying high school.

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 09, 2023 609 views

What do you feel was the best form of studying to pass your tests ?

I'm interested in becoming a critical care nurse.

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Jun 09, 2023 14588 views

How can I make money while being in medical school?

It would be nice to make money on the side while being in school. Getting experience from it is good too

Zephaniah’s Avatar
Zephaniah Jul 11, 2023 707 views

What are the benefits of going into the electrical fields/repairers/installers/maintenance?

Hi I am a San Jose student looking to get into the electrical fields. I would like to know just a little more about how you feel about it. What are the perks. What are some benefits you can say you have acquired entering the field.

Yummy’s Avatar
Yummy Jul 12, 2023 470 views

What do colleges look for when choosing which students are eligible for attending and included scholarships?

I am a middle schooler going into high school, but I dont have much and I think that its important to understand what colleges look for in students that are qualified for their school and financial aide.

Saniya’s Avatar
Saniya Jun 14, 2023 760 views

How can I be more involved and make the most out of my college experience What clubs are the most inclusive? #Spring203?

How can I be more social?

Felicia’s Avatar
Felicia Jul 11, 2023 499 views

How should I start college?

"To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you too may one day be president of the United States." – George W. Bush

Nathan’s Avatar
Nathan Jul 11, 2023 1019 views

Are there any related careers to Nursing that you think I should consider looking into?

what are some other pathways I can take in the medical industry that you guys might see as a better fit for me?

Alante’s Avatar
Alante Jul 11, 2023 532 views

What are some good steps to make sure you remain successful in life?

What are some tips for me to make sure i remain successful in life?

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Jul 11, 2023 323 views

What should I know before getting into medicine/healthcare?

I recently started reading a book about medical language which has sparked my interest in medicine.

Natalie’s Avatar
Natalie Dec 15, 2022 27715 views

How do you answer the question "tell me about yourself" in an interview?

What aspect of my life should I focus on? And how do I make sure that it is applicable to the company I am interviewing for?

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Aug 29, 2018 1788 views

What is the best way to prepare for an interview

#interviewing-skills #interviews