Bethany Obert

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Does servant leadership work in organizations?
Servant leadership is the idea of serving others out of love instead of ego and expecting nothing in return. Is this an effective leadership style? I'd like to think so. Does this work in management? #business #psychology #management #marketing #sociology

When is it a good idea to repeat some courses you've taken?
I'm just curious about when it is a good idea to repeat courses you've taken but didn't do very well in. #college #engineering #career #graduate-school #electrical-engineering

When interviewing for a job, what should you answer when asked about your weaknesses?
Are there answers that show you are thoughtful and honest without ruining the chance of getting the job? What are companies really looking for? #interviews #college-jobs #summer-jobs #interviewing-skills #high-school-jobs

What are some key factors that you should look for went looking for an apartment?
As a sophomore in college, I have decided to live off campus but finding an apartment is a big step in balancing my income. As any college student that is just placed into the world and told to do what adults do, what should I look for when looking for an apartment? #college #finance #job...

what are the best fields of work coming in the next 5-10 years?
going to be entering the world soon, just like to know my options. #college #jobs #work #college-jobs

How much will having a job in college help with student loans?
I've been working hard on scholarships, but I did not receive any state or federal aid, and my parents are not paying for my education. I know that I will have a lot of debt, but I definitely plan to get a job on campus. How much will it help? Will on campus jobs pay as well as off campus jobs?...

What is the best way to get me to stop telling myself that I'm not 'good enough' for a certain college?
I'm asking this question because I'm a high schooler who will be going through the college admissions process in a year a so, and I know many high schoolers are angry, frustrated, and stressed out over getting into a 'good' college. So I wanted to know how we can tell ourselves that life isn't...

How can the Arts impact your resume?
I keep hearing that putting down that I play piano would be a good addition to my resume. It strikes me as odd that an application with the arts on it would really impact your chances of getting a job. Would a place like Goldman Sachs really care?

Action drives us to push our limits and to grow. What are a couple things that I can take action on today to challenge myself and grow?
More of a philosophy question :) There are so many quotes about this concept "action": “Never complain, never explain, just let your actions speak for themselves.” – Benjamin Disraeli “The Superior man is modest in speech but exceeds in his actions.” – Confucius “There are no statues built to...

Is getting a job during college beneficial or detrimental?
I was considering getting a job my freshman year of college because ive got a few bills to pay. Many people that I have talked to say that it is a bad idea as I will still be adjusting to the lifestyle and will have far too many things going on to have a job get in the way. I am still however...

How much college credit transfer when you switch schools?
I am thinking about going to a school in the city instead of a school from upstate. I want to know how many college credits will transfer over if I completed all my gen eds in the upstate college. #college #gpa #credits

What are good study techniques to use in college to help you with time management and successful grades.
I am a high school graduate, going on to college, and wanted to know the most efficient ways of studying. #college #graduate

Should I choose a college specifically because it is strong in a specific major even if I am not certain that I want to pursue that major?
I am thinking of studying business as an undergraduate and some colleges have strong business programs but are otherwise average in quality of education. If I am not confident that I will pursue this route, should I choose a college like that to attend? #college-major #college-bound...

Can an Agriculture business degree be used as a typical business degree?
Although this type of degree is based on agriculture practices, marketing and financial practices could be similar. I was just wondering if my degree could work more than one way so my I have options. #business #finance #marketing #agriculture

What are ssome courses I need to take to be a missionary?
My boyfriend wants to be a missionary. What are some courses I should take for electives to support this if we decide to marry and go together? I am going for Early Childhood #college #missionary