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Alan Weber’s Avatar

Alan Weber

writer and retired teacher, teacher educator and academic advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Woodstock, New York
207 Answers
253554 Reads
379 Karma


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Marshana’s Avatar
Marshana Aug 09, 2023 3892 views

Is it hard working and going to college at the same time ?

I don’t have a very financially stable family and once i go to college i plan on doing a lot more independently

Toni’s Avatar
Toni Aug 09, 2023 689 views

How can I develop or achieve a academic or dream career while also maintaining a sufficient social and personal life?

For instance, being able to take vacations, practice my hobbies, hang out with friends and family are all what I desire but I fear I won't be able to do any of that if I take the standard academic route and do a Masters program or go to graduate school for even longer.

celeste’s Avatar
celeste Aug 08, 2023 625 views

How do I find the career that best suits me?

How do I find the career that best suits me? I want to go into premed but I'm not sure if it is right for me. How can I see if its right for me?

Andrea’s Avatar
Andrea Aug 09, 2023 908 views

How do I choose what major / career if I'm interested in everything and nothing really stands out?

I was going to pursue law, but then acupuncture sounded interesting, but also com sci. I don't have experience in any of these three categories, so who knows? Maybe I won't like all of them. I'm applying to college soon, but I don't really have an idea of what I want to do so I'm kind of...

Ronney’s Avatar
Ronney Aug 07, 2023 1109 views

what do i need to succeed in life

what do i have to do to get my career how do i get my head in the game if my teacher gets annoyed of me what can i do to get help on my career work if sometimes the computers don't want to work

MaKayla’s Avatar
MaKayla Aug 07, 2023 866 views

How do I know what to do?

All of the people around me seem to know what they want to do and I don’t. How do I know what to do when I graduate high school in a few years? What can I do to prepare myself? How can I feel confident in myself when I make my own life?

Evay’s Avatar
Evay Aug 08, 2023 984 views

what made you want to become a lawyer,teacher,artist etc?

Is there a person who inspired you?

How was your college experience?

b’s Avatar
b Aug 07, 2023 875 views

How to you choose what to major in?

If i want to do something medical should i choose a science class like biology? Or if I want to go to law school should i simply choose law or something like that?

Nayana’s Avatar
Nayana Aug 07, 2023 622 views

How do I begin to navigate a 4 year college plan as a sophomore?

Im a first gen student with no prior experience with GOOD counselors. Im in an externship, clubs, etc but how do i figure out the right major, next steps, etc. How do I go about figuring what I am passionate about, where to find classes that are beneficial to me while fulfilling major...

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Aug 06, 2023 679 views

How to decide if you picked the right career?

How to decide if you licked the right career? I am a senior in high school and I want to become a veterinarian . I have always wanted to be one but I haven’t thought of any other careers as a back up

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Aug 07, 2023 1798 views

When going into college, is it fine to not have a clear idea of what you want to do?

I am only a sophomore in high school and I have a general gist of what I would like to do, but I am not really sure if I could decide when the time comes later. There's a few things I enjoy but I don't really know how classes will work for college exactly. I really like subjects like biology...

Sharon’s Avatar
Sharon Aug 05, 2023 473 views

How do I become my own person ?

I want to be able to work on myself and be ready for my future. That's not really taught in school and I'm just expected to learn and make mistakes when mistakes can't be made that often for me. I hope for help please and thank you in advance.

Dianne’s Avatar
Dianne Aug 06, 2023 2082 views

How does going to college help me in the future?

I don’t know if I want to go to college yet but I want to know if it will help me be more successful if I do decide to go.

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 05, 2023 600 views

How hard is it to teach at schools?

Is it hard or easy or in the middle

Tien’s Avatar
Tien Aug 04, 2023 1202 views

How do I pick a college major and stick to it?

I'm currently a senior in high school taking college courses. I'm expected to pick a major in the future, but how do I pick a college major and stick to it?