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Layne Buckley’s Avatar

Layne Buckley

Human Resources
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Salinas, California
42 Answers
128578 Reads
91 Karma

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Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Apr 18, 2024 28370 views

Where to find scholarship opportunities ?

Hey! Highschool freshman here. As I'm preparing for college, I'm taking note of how expensive it will be, I was wondering how I can find scholarship opportunities that are not super rare chances for someone to win? Are there any other ways I can lower the cost of college?

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Apr 19, 2024 468 views

How do i get into a business administration college ?

I am eleventh grader.I am really into business, entrepreneurship and business administration .I would really like to join a college that helps me achieve my dreams

Angelica’s Avatar
Angelica Apr 19, 2024 5032 views

What majors are acceptable in becoming an hr?

I am in my second year of college, currently focused on psychology.

Alexander’s Avatar
Alexander Apr 17, 2024 1041 views

What am I supposed to consider on starting a technological project?

Any technological project

eman’s Avatar
eman Apr 18, 2024 955 views

early mailman carrer?

how do i become a mailman? is there classes into becoming a mailman

Daniela’s Avatar
Daniela Apr 17, 2024 897 views

How do I start looking into scholarships ?Where can I look for them?

I want to go to college and it is definitely but I also don't want to pay out of pocket if I can help it. I have good grades and some extracurriculars , would that help?

Peter’s Avatar
Peter Apr 17, 2024 1286 views

What are the possible means one need to follow in other achieve his career goals

Carrier goals

Brodi’s Avatar
Brodi Feb 27, 2024 600 views

How can being funny contribute to working in Finance?

How can being funny help with the job? What work ethics do I need for this? Is being funny a good characteristic for Finance. How can it help with the job.

DECEY’s Avatar
DECEY Apr 18, 2024 2010 views

How can I become professional ?

In life you keep pushing until you get there

Nabeel’s Avatar
Nabeel Apr 18, 2024 1706 views

How hard is it to become a manager for a job?

becoming a manager is also something I've considered, but I'm not sure about it still

george’s Avatar
george Apr 18, 2024 1928 views

how useful are computer skills?

how is the knowledge

Nabeel’s Avatar
Nabeel Apr 18, 2024 4195 views

What can I do in college to prepare myself for when I get a job?

I feel like I need some tips or some advice on how I can be prepared

barrin’s Avatar
barrin Apr 17, 2024 3539 views

how hard is it to start a security company?

I want to know just how hard it is to start a security company

prince-darin’s Avatar
prince-darin Apr 15, 2024 580 views

1. what's the longest have you been on the road? 2. What's the best company I could possibly work for in the trucking industry? 3. What credentials do you have and what different opportunities are available within the trucking industry because of your credentials?

I am a student at a job corps in cali and I just want to know more about the trucking industry so I can know what Im going to be getting into

Summer’s Avatar
Summer Apr 18, 2024 1548 views

How could I possibly shadow or contribute to my mentoring?

I have found a mentor that is a professor and a social worker with her own practice. When we first met we discussed things I could do, such as research and just asking questions in general, one of her suggestions was to shadow, but we were both concerned about the ethical dilemmas that would...