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Karin P.’s Avatar

Karin P.

Lecturer, Student Advisor
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany
468 Answers
1636666 Reads
1525 Karma


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CAdore’s Avatar
CAdore Oct 26, 2023 1376 views

I need internships for being a vet, Any tips?

I need tips

Jason’s Avatar
Jason Apr 19, 2021 803 views

what do I need to be to be a paleontologist?

#student # #high-school-students #student-development #students

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Oct 25, 2023 2776 views

What would you recommend to someone who wants to study graphic design Like what can I expect in classes and what do I need to know/ understand before I start college (Do I need to learn to draw and paint and all that?)?

I'm not the best in drawing or painting, I just feel like I'm a creative person and with the right practice I can do what I imagine

Davina’s Avatar
Davina Oct 25, 2023 1279 views

Is becoming a neurosurgeon a good career choice?

I've been looking into it however I'm not really sure if it's what I want to do for a living due to the time I would be required to be in school and how the healthcare industry works.

Uzoigwe’s Avatar
Uzoigwe Oct 24, 2023 441 views

What is main purpose of me to become an architect?

What can I do to become an architect man.

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Oct 22, 2023 3675 views

how much do you get paid as a teacher?

I like to read and take photos.I also like to write books and novels. But i think i would like to be a teacher and a photographer i LOVE to draw and sing (even tho i suck at both)i would like to be a TEACHER

Kyliel’s Avatar
Kyliel Jan 26, 2023 1849 views

Why am i here?

im 23 in high school what can I do to help myself

Dalia’s Avatar
Dalia Oct 22, 2023 15144 views

How do I start a clothing business off I’m 19 years old I’ve been wanting to make my own clothing brand & etc but I’m lost & I have no support !?

How do I start a clothing business off ? I’m 19 years old I’ve been wanting to make my own clothing brand & etc but I’m lost & I have no support !

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Oct 19, 2023 651 views

Why am I not accepted?

Why was I not accepted into Harvard? I have a 4.0 GPA, did debate and speech all throughout high school, and aced all my AP exams. What did I do wrong?

brandon’s Avatar
brandon Oct 18, 2023 485 views

what would be the most difficult part of being a funeral manager?

I don't know anyone who is a funeral manger so i was wondering what would be the cons of being a funeral manager.

brandon’s Avatar
brandon Oct 18, 2023 465 views

what education would you need for a funeral manager?

im interested in this job because i think being a manger when leading people would be nice and help people recover from their loved ones deaths.

wesley’s Avatar
wesley Oct 18, 2023 682 views

how do u become a lawyer?

how do u become a lawyer?

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Oct 17, 2023 929 views

How do i become a video game designer?

i just want to know how to start and how much it pays and what i have to do

Aurora’s Avatar
Aurora Oct 16, 2023 1796 views

What are some collages that have equestrian classes and are able to bring your horse?

Hi! I am a Junior in high school and it's about time I start looking for schools. I want to do somthing with horses, but I don't know where to start. I have a horse and I don't want to have to sell him when I go to collage. I would like to bring him or have someone pay me to lease him if that...

Paulina’s Avatar
Paulina Oct 16, 2023 9191 views

How far can I get with a bachelor's degree in psychology?

Hi, I am a senior in high school interested in pursuing an education in psychology. I am curious, how far can I get with a bachelor's degree in psychology instead of a PhD?