Adilay’s Career Goals
I want to pursue college education and a career in psychology, most likely in a career related to mental health. I want to help people and this is a very important area to me to make a difference.

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How do I know if a career in finance is right for me?
How might I know I can do well in that area? What are some key skills needed in the field and are certain personalities better suited for it than others?

What should I consider when deciding on a major and picking a college?
I'm currently a junior in high school and I'm still working on choosing what I want to go to college for. I might be interested in psychology, law, or finance, but I also really enjoy art and design. What kinds of things should I consider before making my final choice?

What kinds of classes/jobs should I be taking in high school to get experience and exposure if I want to get a degree and future career in psychology?
I'm currently a junior in high school and might be interested in a career in psychology. Are there any classes that I should take while in high school? Any jobs I can get now that would get me experience and exposure to the field, or that would at least be somewhat relevant?

What kinds of classes or job opportunities should I be taking in high school if I want to go into law?
I'm currently a junior in high school and might be interested in something like a lawyer or paralegal for my future career. Are there any jobs that would be good for me to get into now for experience? Any classes that I should take in school?

What kinds of classes or jobs should I be applying to or taking during high school if I want to go into finance?
I'm currently a junior in high school and might be interested in finance. Are there any jobs or internships I should be trying to get myself into already? Any classes I should take in school that would be beneficial to me?

What are some different careers in law, possibly similar to a lawyer?
What are some key details about those jobs?

What are some major differences between paralegals and lawyers?
Education requirements, responsibilities, salary, etc.

What is the difference between a lawyer's assistant and a paralegal?
What are the responsibilities, salaries, education requirements, and weekly hours of each?

What are some different careers in finance?
What types of jobs are there in finance and what might some of those entail?

What is it like working in finance?
What are typical day-to-day tasks for someone who works in finance?

How involved in the treatment of patients are psychiatrists?
Do they simply diagnose and/or prescribe treatment? Or do they directly partake in the treatment process, too, like doing talk therapy? I'm looking into psychologists and psychiatrists and both are appealing to me, but I want to be able to be involved in the treatment and be able to aid in...

How does a psychologist compare and contrast to a psychiatrist?
I do know the education requirements and salaries are different, but what about the actual tasks? Can they both diagnose mental disorders or is that only the job of one? Can psychiatrists offer talk therapy in addition to medication, or do they just prescribe the meds? Which would be more...

What are some good colleges (US) to look into in order to pursue a degree in psychology?
Psychology is extremely interesting to me and I think a career in the field could very well be a good fit for me. What are some colleges in the US that offer good psychology programs? Or are they all kind of the same difference? I want to have as much knowledge in the area as I can and actually...

What is it like working in a tech field like User Experience Design/Research?
I'm really drawn to psychology, but I also might be interested in working in tech. What kinds of things do these people do? Pros/cons of the job? Outlook?

What do people in the research area of psychology do?
I'm very heavily leaning towards pursuing a career in psychology, but I'm still exploring options within the field. What would a job in researching/conducting studies in psychology potentially look like?