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Patrick Meyer’s Avatar

Patrick Meyer

Executive - Data Analytics and AI
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
643 Answers
410143 Reads
1018 Karma


Civic Duty

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Naman’s Avatar
Naman Jan 13 670 views

What is best way to become data scientist I want to become data scientist and by searching 50 hours on internet i have found a way to get admission in iit madras by one qualifier exam which doesn't require jee so should I prepare for jee or for this qualifier exam ?

I am too much confused pls help me

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Jan 15 800 views

Debt until 40 ?

Why is college so expensive? Theres people that graduated college and university and their they are working their normal jobs and they still are in debt because their academics? What are we supposed to do?

Autumn’s Avatar
Autumn Jan 26 659 views

How to prepare for the SAT ?

What can I do to prepare for the SAT

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Apr 19, 2023 706 views

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally??

When did you feel like you had a solid direction in life? Career-wise. Or generally?

Thane’s Avatar
Thane Jan 25 875 views

How do I find a career/major I am interested in?

I am struggling to find a career to go to college for, any suggestions?

Matt’s Avatar
Matt Jan 26 1499 views

How important is attending college?

My name is Matt, lately i have been weighing my options and feel like I don’t need a college degree to be successful but i am afraid of making a mistake in my career path.

kyla’s Avatar
kyla Jan 24 632 views

Hello, may I inquire as to whether switching from nursing to early childhood education during my first year of college's second semester would allow me to finish on schedule with my classmates?

Hello, may I inquire as to whether switching from nursing to early childhood education during my first year of college's second semester would allow me to finish on schedule with my classmates?

laniya’s Avatar
laniya Jan 24 810 views

How does a career in health care effect your mental health?

I want to be a peds nurse or anesthetists I know working in a career like that can be very tolling.

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jan 25 612 views

What can I be in future if I study maths ?

What can I be in future if I study maths ?

John’s Avatar
John Jan 24 973 views

What is the first step for someone who wants to learn how to code a game ?

I recently began trying to find a software to begin to learn to code but there are many and it became hard to find the right one.

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 24 594 views

Any strategies for studying Maths?

I’m just not good at maths, any ideas?

Julia’s Avatar
Julia Jan 22 922 views

What career in the medical field is best for me?

I am a senior in highschool and I love helping people in a hands on way that’s why I want to work in the medical field. My only concern is that i won’t be able to find a job I love because I only want to do 4 years of college.
Thank you so much,

Anusha’s Avatar
Anusha Jan 22 1293 views

What is important for a counselor?

I am in 12th grade and want to become a counselor

Aya’s Avatar
Aya Jan 24 557 views

What can I do with an ecology major and geographic information system minor?

I recently applied to college as an ecology major and GIS minor. I'm not too familiar with GIS but I was wondering what sort of careers would utilize it in the ecology field.

Roxanne’s Avatar
Roxanne Jan 24 822 views

Why is it hard to be pantual ?

What can i do to be discipline in my career