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Patrick Meyer’s Avatar

Patrick Meyer

Executive - Data Analytics and AI
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Naperville, Illinois
750 Answers
981015 Reads
1186 Karma


Civic Duty

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Shyanne’s Avatar
Shyanne Jan 08 675 views

As a 10th grader how could I reach a goal if my school can't help me?

How would I as a 10th grade student achieve me becoming a doctor l. I've always dreamed of being a doctor but my school doesn't have any classes we're we are learning that kind of stuff is there like a after school thing anywhere that I could sign up ?

Joe’s Avatar
Joe Jan 08 2361 views

How can I improve my confidence in class ?

Hello,my name is Mary,an at grade 11. I find it hard to participate in class questions,despite I know the answers, sometimes it's hard even to l contribute in group discussion.

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Jan 08 1787 views

Do you think the point of college is to get a high paying job Why or why not.?

Is college worth it? Comminlit assignment.

jaylynn’s Avatar
jaylynn Jan 08 1556 views

what is hard about college?

what hard about college? why should I go to college

kimora’s Avatar
kimora Jan 07 1583 views

how do i build a website?

how do i code and build with different types of coding software's

Darren’s Avatar
Darren Nov 05, 2023 1329 views

why does degrees matter?

why does having a college degree help with getting a job and why does having a highschool diploma matter when trying ti get a good job is that people look for when going to hire

t’s Avatar
t Nov 18, 2023 673 views

I really want to be a vet but science doesn't naturally click with me- is it possible?

I've wanted to be a vet for 3 years now and I've looked thoroughly into the ins and outs of it. I don't naturally get science though, I'm just not scientifically inclined and my grades in them aren't amazing but also not the worst (Grade 5/6/7 at GCSE). I try to force myself to want to do...

Yaineliz’s Avatar
Yaineliz Nov 21, 2023 542 views

Advise to choose a carrear?

If I like biology what career should I study? Im also interestect in veterinary and pottery?

Ali’s Avatar
Ali Dec 09, 2023 776 views

How do i know that i had coder mind I don't know programming any field for me?

BSSE student

Lep’s Avatar
Lep Jun 20, 2023 940 views

How do I find a job that I want im lost on what to pursue in my career and I feel like its getting too late and that im running out out of time?

Time out of your days are really important to use for such interests that you like

Amzar’s Avatar
Amzar Jun 16, 2023 1136 views

What are some important factos to consider when choosing a career path after high school, and how can I determine which caareer would be the best fit for my skills, interests, and long - term goals?

My favorite type of classes are those that deal with art

Ellerie’s Avatar
Ellerie Jan 04 929 views

How do you decide what career to pursue? (Nursing, LA, Art)

(I'm currently in community college trying to better my gpa and explore topics) I'm interested in topics like sustainability, design, and health research, but I'm more of a creative person(drawing, painting, writing, singing). For my careers, I've been going between being a landscape architect...

kouma’s Avatar
kouma Nov 14, 2023 951 views

How do you learn recommendation systems?

hi,I'm trying to create a web application using a hybrid recommendation system, but I don't know how to study it.I'm trying to create a web application using a library called lightfm, which is said to be suitable for creating a hybrid recommendation system. I'm trying to do this, but I'm having...

Rittika’s Avatar
Rittika Dec 08, 2023 610 views

I have completed MA in English in 2021. Then i started a course for data science in 2022. I was into sports so there has been a huge year gap. Now should i join any job for money or should I complete projects for excel and sql to showcase them? I am 27 years old now and that course has still not completed.

I need a good future as there is no one to support me. I am an orphan and i dont plan to have any future company.

Claudia’s Avatar
Claudia Nov 20, 2023 510 views

How can I archive all of my goals without living up?

Mental training