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Eylla Hamzah’s Avatar

Eylla Hamzah

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
9 Answers
7717 Reads
21 Karma



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Laney’s Avatar
Laney Dec 16, 2023 1151 views

What can I do to start my fashion career?

How do I start and what can I do. I play a sport. I like to draw and I enjoy fashion. I am bad at grammar but I will do my best. I will do my best and study very hard.

summer’s Avatar
summer Dec 17, 2023 920 views

why do tech pfofessionals like their job?

What sparked their passion?

Casey’s Avatar
Casey Dec 17, 2023 360 views

How does what you do makes you who you are?

Like how would you describe yourself

val’s Avatar
val Dec 16, 2023 981 views

how do you know when you have a good career?

let me know...

Susan’s Avatar
Susan Dec 16, 2023 1032 views

What advice do you have for someone wanting to be a veterinarian.?

Hello, I have always wanted to be a veterinarian but now as I'm headed for university I have a lot of doubts and questions. How hard is it to get into veterinary school? What was the most challenging part and what tips would you give to someone going into their undergrad?

Somebody’s Avatar
Somebody Dec 16, 2023 528 views

Can I live off of being an 2D animator?

If I could I would like to be a freelancing animator, is it possible to live off of being a freelancing animator, perhaps if I got an education? Are any of my future goals realistic?

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth Dec 17, 2023 446 views

How to start your next journey?

where do I start when pursuing next level of education

Azariyah’s Avatar
Azariyah Dec 11, 2023 1097 views

How would I go about starting a business where I sell my art?

I'm 16 and want to sell my art but idk where to start. Do I need a lot of money to start?