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What to do with a bad ACT score and how to remove colleges from seeing it?
This was my first time taking the ACT and I was unprepared and did not study well. My score has been sent to my dream UC and I regret it so much. What should I do?

how many years will it take to accomplish college?
how many years will it take to accomplish college?

What are some job recommendations for very outgoing individuals ?
I love to collaborate with others on creative projects (but don't love the monotonous, detail-oriented requirements of project management, for example). I also love critical thinking and want something that will challenge me everyday. Currently in marketing and very bored. Don't have any one...

What is it exactly that Urban Planners do?
It seems a little unclear to me exactly what urban planners do and I've recently considered it for a career. I was also wondering if it would be realistic to get involved in politics from a career in Urban Planning. Thanks!

Is it possible to find a job in any early education/early childhood position while in high school?
I am in my second year of trade school and third year of high school. I study early childhood education at trade school and would really like to start working with children before I graduate, if possible.

Is a Mathematics degree enough for entry level positions in Finance?
I am currently obtaining my associate's degree and have decided that mathematics is the best option because of it's versatility. My goal is to work in investment banking, so I know I will need a bachelor's degree. I have no desire to get a Master's degree. Will that effect my chances? What...

Do we choose our major after applying for a college or do we choose it while applying?
I am confused about this. I heard about people applying for scholarships and universities but never heard them talking about choosing their major while using or after they applied when they got in.

If I enjoy doing hands on work in my free time, what careers might fit me?
I'm a freshman in high school and still am not 100% sure of what I want to do in the future yet. I wanted to know some suggestions I can do some research on that would most likely be interesting to me.

How difficult is it to work your way up from being a Youtuber?
How difficult can it be to grow as a Youtuber, like how consistent do I have to be

What techniques do real estate marketers use to sell broken down and abandoned houses?
I want to know about this because I may want to do this when I get older

What skills or experiences should i develop in the next 5 years to become a loan officer
i wanna know because i wanna see what i got to do to get there or to know ahead of time

How should I decide what career path to follow?
There are multiple different things I want to study, but they’re all different from each other and I wont be able to use them all in whatever career I choose. How should I choose which one to study?

after i get finish with school whats the best thng to do financial?
like what are the best jobs