Kim Arskii

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What skills should I focus on in college as a first generation college student. How can I prepare myself during the summer?
How can I prepare myself for college as a first generation student. How can I focus better in college?

What is a letter of recommendation?
I would like to know what is a letter of recomendation.
The reason is that I would like to obtain scholarships, specialized programs, and more information about letter of recommendation. I will be grateful for your answers. Have a nice day

What should we look for in a college as a History major?
Hi, I’m trying to help my son figure out his path to and through college. He is a history buff and his goal is to get a PhD Or doctorate in history. During our research we found a lot of Grad programs and I’m wondering if there are any specific programs or courses we should look into for...

Any tips on how to do the programs and courses that are required to pass?
So for context I want to take Chemistry, Biology, Neuroscience, and Psychology In a University.

What's a good job that's suitable for someone with a learning disability ?
I have a hard time gathering information mentally. I like result-driven, checking errors, and I like being hands on. Speech is very hard for me due to my learning disability, so I have a better time writing what I have to say clearly. I have empathy. I love helping people go through their...

As a college athlete and student, how do you balance studying and getting good grades when you have to train for your sport and travel for games or meets? #Spring23
I'm a high school senior who is competitive in sports and school. I want to pursue a career in either Psychology or Nursing and I don't know what to expect if I study for these careers and run for college track.

does volunteering even matter on my college applications?
recently, I've signed up to volunteer at my local library, they claim it could look good on my future college applications, but do colleges really care if I volunteer anywhere? and if they do, will volunteering at the library be good?

What are some hard skills that employers like in the retail industry?
For entry-level positions.
Thanks so much to anyone who answers!

How do I get more experience?
I feel ashamed to say this. I am a recent graduate but I have no experience in psychology. I like psychology but I am not sure if I want to continue. I want to gain experience in the field before I think about giving up. How do I get more experience to beef up my resume?

How do I find a mentor and begin my interest in Data analysis ?
I am a college student studying applied mathematics but I have interest in Data analysis. I will love to know how I can combine the two together without it affecting my studies .

How can I make myself and the people around me proud?
I need advice on how to make money for school.

How do I know how or if I should commit to one specific career and one specific career path before I begin high school?
I am going to a vocational technical school for Health Occupations, but I do not know if this commitment will be one that I might regret in the future.

How can I get involved in volunteering opportunities based on coding and data analysis?
I am a rising senior and over the summer I am trying to commit to smoothing by volunteering some where or getting internships.

Hey I'm interested in philosophy and religion teaching can anyone give me some pointers on what it's like to get a job in this subject and what made you get into learning and teaching this specific subject. ?
What are your opinions on the best type of philosophy to get into teaching?

How to get into animation?
I don't really know the process to get into the industry.