Isida M

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How do i become an lawyer when im older
hi i am in middle school in 8th grade and i want to become an lawyer when i get older

How many years of college you need to become a detective?
How much years and experience you need to become a detective in New York?

What are some Career ideas for a bachelors of science in criminal justice Leaning more towards social work ideas?
Career ideas for a bachelors of science in criminal justice? Leaning more towards social work ideas

What school is the best for criminology and psychology?
As a sophomore in high school, I've started touring colleges and doing research on their different departments. I would like input from someone who is already in the field on their school choice and potential choices that will best set me up for success.

Is there anything I can do right now to become a realtor in the future ?
Im a sophomore in highschool

How should I decide between two routes of job choices when I can only do one?
I am a sophomore and I want to join the military, or start a business. How should I decide?

What are three informational interview questions you will ask
What are two things you learned about your favorite career path during the informational interview?

What careers would suit me if I am interested in going into either a biology related field or a criminal justice field?
I know that my preferences may change by the time I have to choose a primary topic of study for college. I'm just curious if there are any other careers within the couple of fields that I'm interested in and could be researching at the moment. I like science in general: mainly chemistry,...

Is there room for development/a type of ladder to climb towards promotion in security guard work?
Is there room for development in security guard work? How long does it take to acquire all the proper qualifications towards most security guard positions?

What is A quick job description of a migration lawyer?
How would you describe your job to students?

Hello! Would any lawyers be willing to answer a few interview questions for my class project?
Here's the questions! Feel free to email me instead if that's easier for you. Thanks in advance! 1. What is your job description or job title? 2. What are some of your duties? 3. Please explain what a typical day is like in your occupation. 4. How long have you been at this job? 5. What job...

Hello! What is the normal salary about being a Mounted Police Officer?
6th grade

How is forensic science a better career to study and what is the difference between the other forensic careers
How is forensic science a better career to study and what is the difference between the other forensic careers