kay’s Career Goals
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what is a job I can get at 13?
also can I get any scholarships for being lgbtq

I'm graduating soon and I need to find a scholarships QUICK I got to a gifted and talented school so I'm graduating at 13 and I'm doing homeschool college I need to get my masters degree so whatever will cover that?
I don't know what to put here

what age are u allowed to apply for shcolarships??
I'm graduating when I'm supposed to be in tenth grade due to the highschool I'm going to. so I'm going to college early when I'm 16 can I get scholarships at that age?

hi my name is Kay and I have a project for career class and since Im looking into being a theripist when I'm older I have to interwiew a theripist so if someone can answer these questions that would be sooo awesome sauce
I cant pay anyone soo idk if u have to one here but just in case I'm only in 7th grade and I don't got a job 1. Career Path and Education What first inspired you to pursue this career, and how did you get started? What kind of education or certifications would you recommend for someone...