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Fallon Taylor’s Avatar

Fallon Taylor

Art/Fashion Design/Modeling
Other - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Rowland, NC
9 Answers
1662 Reads
11 Karma

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Monet’s Avatar
Monet Mar 20 1733 views

How can I best decide what to major in?

I attend an Early College HS on NCCU's campus (J.D. Clement) and I have to decide a major when I'm a junior. Thankfully, I'll be saving a lot of money for college, since I'll graduate high school with an diploma and Associate's Degree (and my college classes are free). I've been looking into...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 20 883 views

How can I handle a busy high school schedule?

So I'm in AVID and I know that might be a lot to do on top of Early College and Honors classes. I want to do marching band but I feel like it'll be a lot. Do you have any strageties on how I can balance these things?

Denise’s Avatar
Denise Mar 19 672 views

How do I understand perspective?

I like to draw, but perspective is something I can never get. Where exactly should I start, and where will it make an improvement?

Keren’s Avatar
Keren Feb 23 1106 views

What brand will accept me to start modeling

I want to start modeling at a very young age

Sama’s Avatar
Sama Mar 02 2011 views

What makes K-pop songs so catchy and unforgettable Are there any little tricks or secret ingredients that help make melodies stick in people's heads? How can someone just starting out sprinkle a bit of that K-pop magic into their own songs? ?

I'm asking this because I'm really into K-pop and I've been writing lyrics in my little notebook with just a pencil. I really, really want to become an idol one day! Everyone on CareerVillage has encouraged me so much, and I don't want anything to stop me. So whenever I can, I want to do...

isabel’s Avatar
isabel Mar 11 301 views

How can I check about internships if there are no posters in school?

I want to be a voice actor but I rarely see anything that involves any type of acting for experience (high school level)

Maggie’s Avatar
Maggie Mar 06 936 views

What What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator? ?

What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator?

Mackenzie’s Avatar
Mackenzie Feb 25 897 views

How can i become an actress at 12 with no experience

How can i become an actress at 12.

I have no experience but i would like try with some commercials. Any thoughts or recommendations?

Compassion’s Avatar
Compassion Mar 06 1325 views

People who chose medicine over a career in art, how are you?

This is specific and just mostly out of curiosity. I have a strong passion for art, drawing, and literature, but I enjoy learning about health and medicine. In a world without money, I would doodle and read all day, however, I know that if I had to make a living out of it, it would probably...