Julayne Thomas
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What is the best route to take if I am 46 and want to go to school to become an MRI Technologist should I go to Radiography school first then cross train into MRI?
What is the best route to take if I am 46 and want to go to school to become an MRI Technologist should I go to Radiography school first then cross train into MRI?

how do I get better at studying?
I am 16 and I am a junior and I am bad at studying

What steps do you take to gain a child’s Trust and Help them feel comfortable in a healthcare setting?
I’m in Highschool trying to get into college and chase my dream in becoming a PN

What are good colleges to go to that give good education on health science?
I am a Junior in high school. I am clueless on what the steps are I need to do and need help picking a college and career.

can you tell me success story of you abput learning online?
can you tell me success story of you abput learning online?

How do you guarantee yourself to be successful, is there a backup plan, or do you have a system?
I’m struggling a little with school, and I just need a little shove in the right direction to get the right mindset to get back in line with everything.

why is it so essential to get so much education for a good job in the US?
We were talking about the different classes of people in the US in class the other day and it was made aware to me how much education people had to get/pay for in order to really pay enough for essentials in life in the US. People with higher education get the better jobs that pay more and...

When is it a perfect time to start thinking about careers?
When is it a perfect time to start worrying and start to plan for my future career? I'm interested in skincare and I want to work with skincare and beauty related careers but I don't know if it's too early in my age to start thinking about my future career.

Education Path?
What is a good higher education path for someone interested in chiropractic care?

What is the best way to study for Anatomy and Physiology?
I am currently a Sophomore in college and I need to find a good way to study for my anatomy and physiology class.
#medicine #health

How do you handle a difficult patient?
For all healthcare providers, once in a while you deal with patients that complain about agony, the facility and the people that work in facilities. #nurse #health #healthcare

How do you know what career you want without actually having the experience?
I feel like many people say they want to be a nurse, doctor, engineer, computer programmer, et cetera without having much experience. How do they know that those jobs will not burn them out after years of being in the field? How are you supposed to find your passion when you are bound to high...

How do you know if you qualify for the Federal Pell Grant and how to accept it?
#pell-grant #grant #scholarships #scholarship #finance #financial-aid #college #college-advice #college-bound #college-admissions #fafsa #payingforcollege #college-counseling ##college #university #learning #higher-education #education #college-help #personal-finance #financial-advising...