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Alyssa Castellano’s Avatar

Alyssa Castellano

Recruitment Services & Onboarding Specialist at PricewaterhouseCoopers
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Tampa, Florida
24 Answers
42597 Reads
51 Karma

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styles’s Avatar
styles Oct 09, 2019 4131 views

what advice can u give me for interviews.

#interviews #career #advice

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Oct 08, 2019 1118 views

What part about being a nurse's assisstant would you say is the most challenging?

My name is Ashley, I'm interested in becoming a CNA, I would like to know what are some challenges that come up while working in this field and have you ever felt discouraged about the career path you've chosen? #nursing #nurse #CNA #certifiednursesassisstant #medicine #healthcare...

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 03, 2019 937 views

What jobs are available in the field with psychology?

#psychology #child-psychology #clinical-psychology #career-path

Abbas’s Avatar
Abbas Sep 28, 2016 6265 views

What are some good questions to ask the interviewer to get a better understanding of the company you work for

to prepare yourself for the interview and look more prepared #computer-software #computer #management #university #accounting #marketing-and-advertising #job-application

Shiloh’s Avatar
Shiloh May 10, 2018 7565 views

What is the most important professional quality a person can have?

Employers, teachers, colleges, and even parents all search for and even expect certain qualities in people. What are a few of the qualities you look for in someone and what do you think the most important quality would be? #qualified #expectations #personal-development #professional-development...

kierra’s Avatar
kierra Sep 09, 2019 1094 views

What do you find as the most enjoyable part of the job?

I am a senior at Brennan High School and i’m interested in being a Dermatologist in the Air force and attending Texas University at Austin or Texas A&M #college #medicine #hookem #dermatologist #aggie

Carylle’s Avatar
Carylle Sep 01, 2019 1466 views

What are the 5 things you absolutely love about yourself, without a doubt.

#essay #self #art #creative #psychology #college

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Sep 15, 2019 721 views

What type of education do you need to be a cop or FBI agent

I am very determined to get the right education to become one of those options #college

C’s Avatar
C Jul 25, 2017 5972 views

What's your weakness?

College student seeking internship position. Well, no one is perfect, we all have weakness. During the interview, I found this question a bit tricky. I would like to know how you approach this kind of question. What does HR really want to know from this question? #interview #HR...

Ariana’s Avatar
Ariana Apr 16, 2018 3422 views

Tips for candidates new to the interviewing process

What are some tips or pointers for people who are looking for their first jobs(s).
How do I stand out while having no experience or professional qualifications?
#interviews #interview #interviewing-skills #professionalism #new-hires #

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Jun 20, 2019 693 views

is there any type of dress code to work for office administration?

do i need to follow any specific type of uniform? #business

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Jul 12, 2019 645 views

How would one go into Psychology to become somewhat of a therapist?

I am interested in the Psychology field but I'm not quite sure on what specifically I want to do. #psychology #counseling #therapy

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine Aug 12, 2018 1107 views

What is the best studing tip for AP tests?

#studying-tips #college #prep

Mark’s Avatar
Mark Jan 29, 2019 871 views

What helps you focus if you get diseracted easly

I have trouble keeping focus I need something to help me stay focus.

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Feb 11, 2019 587 views

Are there jobs for 13 year olds?

I want to get a job and I've been looking for pet sitting. I have been looking forever on Google and I can't find anything. Thanks