Alexandra Grashkina-Hristov

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How can I bring the Children and Women home?
Not many people talk about it, but I wanna stop it. Sex trafficking both angers and disgusts me to the core and I'd like to start taking classes so I can find out how to stop it. I'm currently in 10th grade and can take any online classes I want starting next semester. I've already had a...

What colleges in Iowa offer the best accounting programs? What are the best minors to get with accounting? What should I do to prepare to go into college for accounting?
I am a junior interested in accounting. I reside in Grundy Center, Iowa. Most of my time is spent competing in sports. My favorite classes include math, chemistry, and any difficult class.

Hello, I wanted to ask as an upcoming Law student I wanted to ask, What the best advice for future lawyers can you give me?
Hello, I wanted to ask as an upcoming Law student I wanted to ask, What the best advice for future lawyers can you give me?

How will i be successful in acccounting in the university?
what, how and why will i be successful in acccounting in the university.

how do I chose what type of lawyer I want to be and how can I prepare in advance before going into law??
I am in 7th grade and I want to get into law but any tips will help me so I can get a head start on my career.

Is there a need for an Accountant when we have technology and AI?
I believe that the new technological advances can be used instead of an Accountant so there is no need pursuing the Accounting course which are very stressful courses

To be an accountant with the government, is it better to get a bachelors in "corporate accounting and finance" or just "accounting"?
I'm currently a senior in high school and I'm taking community college courses for accounting. I'm aiming to be well equipped and prepared for a job I can see myself doing.

What year in college should I start studying the LSAT?
I'm a current senior in high school.

What are some ways you were able to make money at a young age?
I have a job that pays 10.50 an hour and I make a percentage of the tips, it gets me by but I have trouble believing that this is all I can do, I want to make more, I want to be able to invest but I don;'t know where to start.

Where is it possible to shadow an anesthesiologist in Columbus, Ohio, as a 15-year-old?
Where is it possible to shadow an anesthesiologist in Columbus, Ohio, as a 15-year-old? I have been looking at places; however, it does not seem like there are any opportunities near me in Columbus. If someone is willing to help me, it would be greatly appreciated!

is it easy to make money while in school?
what jobs are the best? what jobs are the worst?

How many pages should my resume be? What style should I format my resume in? What file type should I use for my online resume?
I have been wondering about these two questions for a while and would like professional answers, thank you kindly.

interested in teaching but not sure witch grade?
if you were to go back to teaching what grade would you teach again or what grade do you think is the best grade to teach...

What keeps you going when you feel unmotivated?
I want to be a preschool teacher or work at a daycare with young children and I'm worried about burnout or feeling overwhelmed.