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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2524890 Reads
11180 Karma


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Jacob’s Avatar
Jacob Aug 11, 2018 574 views

Will I need more education than a 4 year college degree to peruse a vocational rehabilitation career?


Annisleisy’s Avatar
Annisleisy Aug 12, 2018 833 views

What career can you purse with a degree in business Managment ?

I am currently a High School senior and want to purse a career in business


Laquasia’s Avatar
Laquasia Aug 11, 2018 520 views

What is a high percent chance you finish college and come out with the career in your interest?

Any given number or opinions would be helpful and great # #career-paths

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Aug 12, 2018 656 views

What major is most helpful when going into the veterinary field?

Hello, I'm a rising senior and want to become a veterinary surgeon. My only issue is that I don't know for certain if Animal Science is the very best major to graduate with if I plan on going to veterinary school. I've eliminated so many college choices because they didn't offer Animal Science...

Kemi’s Avatar
Kemi Aug 11, 2018 566 views

Is it a good idea to pursue a career in an industry that is oversaturated?

Many career paths that I am interested in are overstaturated and I believe that trying to pursue a career in these industries would be a waste of time and money because finding a job wouldn’t be easy. #career-choice

Alexandra’s Avatar
Alexandra Aug 11, 2018 524 views

How hard is it going in and graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)? Any advice or tips?

I am a rising senior in high school, and I recently decided to major in nursing. Everything a nurse does from a CNA to a NP really motivate me to become a nurse. I'm currently leaning more towards a neonatal nurse. However, before that I first have to become a RN. This brings me to my question:...

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Aug 12, 2018 533 views

Is it possible to fear regret before making any decision?

Hello, I'm a rising senior and have always imagined myself becoming a vet. My only concerns are that vet school is SUPER expensive and it requires SO much time. What I want to avoid is committing myself into something I'm no longer interested in and be left with a large debt. Well, bringing the...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 10, 2018 636 views

How did you feel about starting college in the spring semester?

I got into and decided on my first choice school, but I got into a program where you start in January and then catch-up to everyone during a summer semester abroad. I'm really excited about all of that, but now that the summer is almost over and most of my friends are gearing up to go away and...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 10, 2018 641 views

What are some realistic jobs to look for as a full-time student?

I'm going to school in Boston for the upcoming school year, and even though I didn't qualify for a work study, I'm going to need to work during the school year to be able to make it through college without excessive amounts of debt. I don't want to sacrifice all of my time outside of classes to...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Aug 12, 2018 630 views

What is it like to balance school and a job?

#jobs #school

Camilo’s Avatar
Camilo Aug 12, 2018 768 views

what is the one thing you wish you could accomplish?

Everyone has that one dream they wish to accomplish. However, when faced with uncertainty & doubt, we tend to give up & take the “safer path”. As a result, our dreams go unfulfilled. If you could accomplish anything in your life, as crazy or ridiculous as it may seem, what would it be? #sucess...

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Aug 11, 2018 575 views

What should I expect to do in college?

I will be going to college next fall to study pre-occupational therapy. I will then go to graduate school to continue my studying and get a degree in Occupational Therapy. I was wondering if anyone knew what the course load would be like for this major, what my schedule might look like, and...

Sierra’s Avatar
Sierra Aug 11, 2018 813 views

Will I have to take out student loans?

I am really stressing about the thought of taking out student loans. I will not be living in campus dorms (I have to live at home to take care of my mom) , so I won't have to worry about dorm fees. I am a fairly smart person, I'm first in my class and I am planning on being valedictorian, but...

Brandi’s Avatar
Brandi Aug 12, 2018 502 views

What is something you can do to be prepared to begin college

Leaving home to go to college can be daunting how can you be confident that you will be fine and what can help you get on your feet #College Life

Destney’s Avatar
Destney Aug 11, 2018 1013 views

What is the most important factor in choosing the college you go to?

#college #school #decisions

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Aug 11, 2018 539 views

What is the hardest thing about being a teacher?

#teacher #career

Moiz’s Avatar
Moiz Aug 11, 2018 853 views

Upon graduating with a decent engineering degree and working just about enough to pay off the debt, how can one give back to the society?

My mother always emphasized on something - "always leave something better than how you found it". I would like to live up to her model.

#engineering #volunteering #payback #mindfulness #satisfaction #technology #upliftment #scholarship

Moiz’s Avatar
Moiz Aug 11, 2018 653 views

At what moment in college do you get the feeling that the major you have chosen is truly for you?

I have known folks that graduated with a law degree and ended in medical school and those that graduated with a petroleum engineering work at banks. How and when do you know what you have chosen is for you? #scholarship #career #frustration #confusion #satisfaction...

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny Aug 11, 2018 510 views

What opportunities are there for undergraduate nursing students interested in internships?

I want internships to be a crucial factor in my college journey and don’t want to miss any good ones. Which internships (unpaid/paid) would be beneficial towards my nursing major?

#college #major #nursing #exams #career #school

Precious’s Avatar
Precious Aug 11, 2018 934 views

How do I find my best career option?

I am interested in three different career options. How do I pick the best option for me? #careers #career #career-path #career-choice

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Aug 11, 2018 1005 views

How can you be more social while in college?

#social #career #polite

Destney’s Avatar
Destney Aug 11, 2018 3414 views

Do you feel that college is necessary to have an successful career?

#career #careers #career-choice

Tyiana’s Avatar
Tyiana Aug 11, 2018 684 views

What are the struggles that a double major must take on during their first year of college?

#college #advice #doublemajor #firstyear #freshmen #

Esther’s Avatar
Esther Aug 11, 2018 934 views

If you get a biology degree, can you obtain a career in marine biology?

#career-counseling #career-choice #career-options #career

Glendon’s Avatar
Glendon Aug 11, 2018 701 views

What should I consider doing my first year of college, if I am unsure of what career I want to pursue

I'm starting my freshman year of college on August 27. I am 18 years old, and attending Prairie View A&M University. Over the summer I participated in a program at Prairie View, where I earned 6 college credits before the start of the fall semester. I want to make the most out of my first year...

Sarina’s Avatar
Sarina Aug 10, 2018 882 views

Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?

I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing...

Kathryn’s Avatar
Kathryn Apr 05, 2018 846 views

I'm looking to open a bookshop- how might I go about doing that?

Focus would mainly be on YA/NA books (both fiction and nonfiction). #books #bookshop #small-business #entrepreneur

Shakoor’s Avatar
Shakoor Mar 05, 2018 1196 views

How can you decide your career for the rest of your life?

I like to think of myself as a Renaissance Man. I strive my hardest to be great at everything. I find it confusing how people are able to single out a specific occupation that they can commit to for the rest of their life. If someone can help me with what I should do to figure out what job I...

McKay’s Avatar
McKay Aug 09, 2018 1108 views

How difficult is it to become a sportscaster if I am not a professional athlete?

I love to talk sports and would love even more to make money doing it. Is there a way to do this without being a famous athlete? #sports #career #sportscaster #communications

Nyomi’s Avatar
Nyomi Aug 09, 2018 540 views

What can you do with a criminology degree?

Criminal Justice degree jobs can work as answers too. I just want to know what is available to me. #career-paths