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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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isabella’s Avatar
isabella May 15, 2016 4240 views

What is it like having a job within the U.S. military as a public relations person?

I plan on joining the U.S. military, at the moment the U.S. Navy, to serve my country and gain my degree in communications. I plan on working in public relations but I am not sure what the military will expect me to do. Can any offer any advice? #communications #military #communication...

isabella’s Avatar
isabella May 15, 2016 724 views

What kind of lesson plan will I be following if I go into college for a communication degree?

I would just like some insight as to what I need to prepare for and/or expect.

Austin’s Avatar
Austin May 14, 2016 892 views

How do I know what I want to major in? What if I can't figure it out?

Do I even have to figure it out or can I just walk into college not knowing my major. Will I miss out on any scholarship opportunities this way. #college #college-major #major

Heather’s Avatar
Heather May 15, 2016 798 views

Which mathematics-based career has the best job outlook?

I want to follow a career path that I'm passionate for in mathematics, but I also want to be sure that I'll have many opportunities for work and good pay in the future. What should I focus on for a major in mathematics so that I can have a better job outlook? #career #mathematics

Zee’s Avatar
Zee May 14, 2016 1511 views

What are the careers with high skills of art and math?

I'm thinking of going for Architecture because it is based on art and science along with an decent salary. What are the alternative careers that is based on design and math. #college #career #career-paths #architecture #architect #guidance-counselor #career-counselor #financial-planning

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney May 14, 2016 873 views

After finishing my four years of college, how easy will it be to begin my career?

Just a bit curious of what to expect after college #college #graduate #experienced #young-adults #adults

Jordy’s Avatar
Jordy May 04, 2016 615 views

Where can I get scholarships to pay for my college (USC)?

I want to study for seven years for my M.D, but I am not sure if I want to put the amount of money required all on my parents. #college #graduate

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth May 04, 2016 1068 views

What can I do with an English major?

I want to be an english major, however I do not want to be a teacher of an sorts. Is there any way I can do this? #college #major

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 14, 2016 5643 views

Is it possible to mix music and physics in your career?

I have a real passion for physics and music (notably theoretical and orchestra, respectively). I'm curious for what jobs mix the two. #music #physics #occupation #theoretical #orchestral-music #orchestra

alisha’s Avatar
alisha May 14, 2016 1393 views

what major would be best suited to attain the job of an animated movie/t.v. storyboard director?

this is actually my dream job so i want to be prepared for when i start applying to colleges. #film #animation #television #video #anime #art-director

alisha’s Avatar
alisha May 14, 2016 1353 views

Does the college you go to really matter when you get a job in the future?

i don't know the relevance of wether you go to an ivy league vs. an institute of community college. #college #colleges #ivy-league #community #institute

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike May 13, 2016 2006 views

What is the likelihood of finding an animation job after college?

Does the art college you go to make all the difference? I know one college could strengthen your portfolio by having more resources and better connections to companies. But is it worth the huge investment if you could go to a cheaper place, and use your own talents and determination to get a...

Adenike’s Avatar
Adenike May 13, 2016 1245 views

Is it okay to attend a college even though you're not sure if you'll be able to pay it off?

I'm going to a REALLY expensive art school and even though my parents tell me not to worry, I worry about putting my family in debt. :( #college #finance #art #money

alexis’s Avatar
alexis May 13, 2016 1275 views

What courses or classes should I take in college and high school if I am interested in the field of dentistry?

I have wanted to become a dentist form the young age of 2 and now I am old enough to gear my life towards that goal. However, I am not completely sure which classes are the best to take. I know math and science courses in general but I need specifics. #college #college-major #dentistry #dental

Lera’s Avatar
Lera May 04, 2016 2622 views

Tips for writing a good resume?

Just looking for advice on this topic, list of do's and don'ts etc. #job-search #resume