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Rachel Weinheimer

Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Amarillo, Texas
1121 Answers
866212 Reads
389 Karma


Civic Duty

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Meredith’s Avatar
Meredith Mar 26, 2018 608 views

What is the best way to choose a major that you will keep?

There are a lot of things I'm interested in, and I'm not sure which one to stick to.

#college-advice #college #college-major

Clorissa’s Avatar
Clorissa Mar 26, 2018 1007 views

How hard is to have job and go to college?

Hi, I am starting to look at colleges since I am graduating high school next year. I am looking at becoming a zookeeper. Also, I am enrolled in college credit plus but have not decided what to take and I also plain on finishing all my normal college credits before studding for my degree. I...

Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 20, 2018 896 views

What are the best tools for staying debt free when going to college?

I've heard stories of people getting "full rides" to college and I want to know how? Does that mean they will get their education at no financial cost? And if so, how can all of us students do that? I want to get my degree as a Dietician and am looking for colleges that aren't ridiculously...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Mar 20, 2018 779 views

What's the best way to approach student loans?

As we are all gonna graduate with a pile of loans, what's the best way to approach them? Is it best to consolidate all loans or pay them one company at a time? #loans #college #debt #financial-planning #college-advice

Ciara’s Avatar
Ciara Mar 19, 2018 804 views

How can I develop good study habits for college?

I have pretty much breezed through high school; I am graduating top of my class and aside from completing mandatory homework, I have never really had to study for any of my classes. Thus, I am not quite sure how to effectively study-- historically all I have had to do is take notes in class and...

Armine’s Avatar
Armine Mar 19, 2018 911 views

Can you change your major after you transfer to a four-year institution?

I am transferring to a four-year institution this Fall 2018, and I would like to know if I can change my major from one science to another if needed or if I desire.

#transfer #college-transfer #college-major #college-advice #college

Carmen’s Avatar
Carmen Mar 19, 2018 1069 views

Will I be able to join the Marines and go to college still not knowing what to major in?

I'm asking this because I am a junior in high school, currently wondering what I want to major in. It has always been a dream of mine to join the military because I like the idea of protecting those I love and care for. I want to be able to still continue my education after high school but I am...

Lillian’s Avatar
Lillian Mar 18, 2018 678 views

How do I get prepared for college

I’m a junior in high school and I just want to know factors to get me ready for college life #college-advice

Maddisyn’s Avatar
Maddisyn Mar 15, 2018 990 views

Studying Tips

As I will be going into college this upcoming fall I would like to hear any tips that you may have when it comes to note taking and studying for my classes. #studying-tips #study-habits #studying #study-tips #college-advice #college

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Mar 14, 2018 678 views

What would you tell the young version of yourself after graduating high school?

Contemplating my life choices...

#school #college-major #college-admissions #college-selection #college #college-advice

Cameron’s Avatar
Cameron Mar 13, 2018 620 views

What are some resources and avenues I could look towards for gaining financial support for college at Stanford?

I would like to attend Stanford on account of my being accepted but the parent contribution is becoming an issue and hindering my ability to commit. #stanford #college #college-advice #financial-aid

amoi’s Avatar
amoi Mar 13, 2018 707 views

How to earn a high SAT score?

I am asking because I am a junior who is going to take the sat soon and I want to score my absolute best to earn more college opportunities? Also what are apps that can help me study ?#sat #college #college-advice

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Mar 12, 2018 824 views

What is harder in the college transition: trying to make friends or trying to adjust to being on your own?

Just to try to garner a little more understanding about what might cause me more of a struggle when I go off to college and what to prepare myself for #goingtocollegenextyear #goingtocollege #newplace #college #college-advice

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Mar 08, 2018 771 views

What should I study in College?

There are so many things I have an interest in. Art, History, Writing Books, Gaming, Technology, Rocks, Science and more. How does one find out what is best? #whattostudy #college-major #college-advice #college-jobs

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 05, 2018 634 views

Is it worth it to switch schools in a college if you're already a few semesters in?

My college has different schools for different kinds of majors, each with different requirements. If I'm already a few semesters into one school and have all prerequisite classes done,is it worth it to switch to another school to change my major? #college-advice #choosing-a-major