Debjeet Basak
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What skills, abilities, and personal attributes are essential to success in the technology field?
#technology #career #computer

What are your thoughts on LinkedIn for high school students? Do you recommend it?
I've already done quite a bit of research on this topic, and have found that most professionals advocate for high school students to have one to increase their digital footprint (positively). I still want to hear more input from professionals, and what they think! Just to put into perspective,...

How to work from home
I love helping other in need. I love being outside traveling. I am in JROTC for 4 years. I have leadership skills #career

How many days a week do you work and how flexible is your schedule?
#dentist #dentistry #dental #orthodontics #orthodontist

What advice would you give to an upcoming college freshman?
I'm a soon-to-be college freshman and I'm very nervous because I don't know what to expect. What was college like for you and what advice would you give me? #college #college-admissions #college-advice #college-advising #college-bound ###college #college-majors #education #higher-education...

If you could redo college, what would you do differently?
#college #college-major #college-admissions #college-advice ##college #college-bound #college-recruiting #colleges #university #user-experience #nursing #teaching #education #psychology #computer-science #science #stem #engineering #accounting #business #college-counseling #lawyer...

How do I begin to network with people?
I want to have people that I can branch out with and have solid relationships to begin my own business involving digital media and film by the time I finish college. I am currently a high school senior about to graduate in a couple months. I am planning on attending the New York Institute of...

Is a good height mandatory to become an athelete?
I am an aspiring Cricketer and want to know about the physical fitness of Atheletes #sports #athletic-training #athletics #fitness #physical-fitness #exercise-physiology

What is a day like in the computer networking field?
#Technology #ComputerNetworkAssistant #Network

How do I improve in math?
Math is very difficult for me. What are some ways I can improve? #teacher #education #mathematics #math #higher-education

How do I get better at math?
I'm in 9th std in India and would like to know how to get better at math. #mathematics #math #higher-education #education

How do I improve my skills in math?
I have seen khan academy online, but I am still not able to pick up in maths as i am a telugu student. {lease refer me to any telugu academy.
[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #mathematics #math #higher-education #personal-development

How can I get better at math?
#mathematics #math #higher-education #college

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you became an adult?
what did u want to be when you grow up ??? #any #degree #educator #criminal-justice #college

What is your definition of failure?
I have seen people struggle in different ways based on the task or project we take up. Does that mean we all struggle in the same way? #college