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Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Mar 27, 2018 2454 views

What is the best way to give back to you're community whether you make it to college or not?

I am asking this question because most people think you have to have a lot of money to help others out but there are plenty of way's to do so without having a penny. #community-outreach #volunteering #community-service

Ena’s Avatar
Ena Mar 20, 2017 990 views

How to find international affairs volunteering?

I don't want to go to abroad just like some international conference in local. #volunteering #international-affairs

Julisa’s Avatar
Julisa Mar 20, 2018 1201 views

What are volunteering opportunities that I can apply to if I am under 16 for the time being?

So right now, I am involved in three programs that I recieve good hours in, but I want to do more hours, as well as having a variety of experience in other fields.

#volunteering #nonprofits #volunteer

Elisa’s Avatar
Elisa Jan 24, 2019 953 views

BCBA Volunteer opportunities for after 5pm on weekdays and anytime weekends

I am a current adult student completing the required academic course work by the BACB; however, to fulfill the 1500 fieldwork hours, I need is a practicum site and a supervisor. I work during the day. That is why I am willing to volunteer after 5 p.m. during the week and anytime on the...

Bornventure’s Avatar
Bornventure May 02, 2020 1222 views

What volunteering program can I do in my town during this recession.

I'm Kinoti, a high school student at Moi high school Kabarak, Kenya. I love working with other people for other people to bring about sustainability through Noble gestures towards our planet. I also have a strong business acumen within me which I use to bring about poverty- alleviation through...

Trina’s Avatar
Trina May 06, 2020 2791 views

How do i find my perfect job?

I am a high school student who needs to start thinking about her future and i do not know where to start. #job #student #college

tori’s Avatar
tori May 09, 2020 2787 views

How can I have a career with traveling ?

I am a sophomore in high school . As of now , I don't know my purpose in life. I honestly just want to travel the world , make money and be happy. How could I travel as a full time job? #travel #career #money

Ali’s Avatar
Ali May 08, 2016 7106 views

What is the hardest thing about being a manager?

I would really like to be a manager or CEO one day. What is the hardest part about managing a team? What do you like best about it?

Thank you! #technology #management #leadership #human-resources

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 12, 2020 4028 views

would it be a good idea to work with your best friend?

I dont think it is but I would like different type of perspective

Kate’s Avatar
Kate Apr 26, 2018 1588 views

What do I need to learn how to do before moving out and living on my own?

I wasn't taught a whole lot at school about what living on your own entails, and now the time has come where I am becoming an adult and have started preparing for my future. I have yet to learn how credit works, as well as interests and loans. I dont know how to do my own taxes or what...

Yomaris’s Avatar
Yomaris May 24, 2018 6478 views

What do I wear for an interview?

I've always wondered what is considered appropriate for an interview. I went with a short sleeve shirt to an interview, but I was then told that I had to wear a long sleeve.

#interview #interviews #interviewing #job-interview #interviewing-skills

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 12, 2020 2091 views

What is the latest you can switch majors?

#college-major #major #college

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11120 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 12, 2020 6919 views

Should I work/intern during the school year in college or wait until summer?

#college #internship #work

Ryan’s Avatar
Ryan May 11, 2020 2269 views

What kind of prior experience will i need before i go into a job interview?

I just need some background information so I #career #interviews know what I focus on right now.