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Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 20 884 views

How can I handle a busy high school schedule?

So I'm in AVID and I know that might be a lot to do on top of Early College and Honors classes. I want to do marching band but I feel like it'll be a lot. Do you have any strageties on how I can balance these things?

Cassandra’s Avatar
Cassandra Mar 20 1459 views

Which is more hireable: A double BA in physics and math, or a BS in physics?

do employers actually value well-rounded candidates, or do they just want specialists?

LOREIN’s Avatar
LOREIN Mar 05 937 views

Do you have any advice for joining TEA (Themed Entertainment Association)?

I've been trying to network with them in hopes of landing a job; however, I went to architecture school and don't really know who's willing to take in someone entry-level.

LOREIN’s Avatar
LOREIN Feb 28 1794 views

How do you get into set design/ themed entertainment?

Coming from an architecture background, I find it challenging to find a set design/ themed entertainment job.

Julianna’s Avatar
Julianna Feb 26 2609 views

what can help me focus on my homework ?

I need to do my work but I just cant focus for some reason and it makes it hard to get good grades.I need some tips to help me stay focused and get my work done easyer.

Charlie’s Avatar
Charlie Feb 21 3619 views

What are some good internships or experiences to try and apply for/ gain as an International Development studies major?

I am slightly worried about what internships or other experiences I should try to apply for as a second year International Development studies major at UCLA. I am very interested in international relations and, until recently, really wanted to work for the state department. I also love research...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Feb 20 1072 views

Should I take softball next year in my junior year of high school?

I am currently a sophomore in high school that is starting to pick next year’s classes. I am not planning on playing high school in college, so I’d like to know if it’s worth it to play softball all 4 years of high school. Is it better to play 4 years of high school, or find some...

Madison’s Avatar
Madison Feb 19 1903 views

How do I figure out a career and major?

I am a sophomore in high school, and I don’t have any idea what to do with my life. I feel like I have very bad extra circulars, but I don’t know what to do, especially since I have no idea what I want to do or major in. I don’t have any particular passion, however I would like to know ways to...

Kristin’s Avatar
Kristin Feb 19 2004 views

What are some of the easier AP classes?

I'm currently a freshman in high school only taking AP World (my school only allows this or AP Human Geo for freshman), and it's not my best class but I managed to pass last semester with a B. For sophomore year, I'm on track to take APUSH which I know is one of the harder APs, and I was...

Connor’s Avatar
Connor Feb 17 849 views

What education and experience requirements are there for basic backstage theatre/entertainment jobs (ie. prop assistant, set assistant, PA, set painter, etc.)?

No offense to any of those jobs -- I'm currently in a remedial school and not very confident about graduating, let alone any type of college. Not exactly in the spot to pay for certifications either. Do I need a diploma or training to compete for those jobs, or do I have a chance at a local...

Desiree’s Avatar
Desiree Feb 06 314 views

What is the hardest part about studying to be a veterinary technician?

What was the hardest subject to understand when studying to be a veterinary technician? And what is something you recommend to help me prepare for this corse?

Siara’s Avatar
Siara Feb 03 712 views

What are three important things I should know about this job (e.g. working conditions, typical schedule, rewards, and challenges including those for people new to the job)?

Getting my medical assistant certification in hopes of completing my LVN and later being a registered nurse.

Siara’s Avatar
Siara Feb 03 751 views

Are there any related careers that you think I should consider looking into? Medical assistant

I'm going to be completing my medical assistant certification and was planning to go to LVN and later register nurse just found out about nurse practitioner and still don't completely understand the difference.

Nina’s Avatar
Nina Feb 01 824 views

Recommended environmental science related volunteer opportunities ?

Hi! I am a sophomore in high school, and I'm starting to think more about college and what I can do to increase my chances of getting into a college of my choosing. I'm currently taking AP Environmental Science, and I'm interested in entomology and other nature related subjects. I've done some...

ycela’s Avatar
ycela Jan 24 552 views

What courses do I need for UNLV ?

I am receiving my Associate's Degree in Sociology to transfer. However, I want to be able to transfer out of state to the University of Las Vegas as we are moving there next year. I would like to attend UNLV to receive my BA in psychology. What classes will I need to join that program?

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