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Silvestre’s Avatar
Silvestre Sep 01, 2017 835 views

How likely will it be that I will end up in a career within my field of study?

I been noticing that many people do not end up doing what they initially studied for. For example, a person majors in business but end up as weight trainers at a 24 hour fitness! #itiswhatitis #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #undecided #college-major

Jazmine Rose’s Avatar
Jazmine Rose Sep 01, 2017 992 views

How can I get over being so scared to speak in and in front of class?

I'm currently a junior in high school and I've always been assigned presentations. However, every time I step in front of the class I just feel my heart sink to the bottom of my chest. I also get very nervous to make eye contact while presenting. One of my fears is to be judged by classmates,...

Moshe’s Avatar
Moshe Sep 01, 2017 1001 views

investment banking

best college for investment banking

Jacqueline ’s Avatar
Jacqueline Sep 01, 2017 844 views

What are some schools that have a good pre-vet program?

I am interested in becoming a veterinarian and would like to know colleges that have a good pre-vet program in oder to purse my career. #pre-vet #animals #veterinary

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Sep 01, 2017 815 views

How often do neonatal nurses see critical care newborns and how do you deal with what's happening in front of you?

I want to be a neonatal nurse and I love babies so much and it hurts me to see them in pain so I want to help them in any way I can. I want to know how often I'll see critical care babies so I can mentally prepare myself for what I will experience in my career. #neonatalnursing #nicu #nurse...

Dominique’s Avatar
Dominique Sep 01, 2017 706 views

How difficult is it to play a sport and major in biology?

I'm asking, because I have committed to a D1 for softball and I will be majoring in biology. However, I'm terrified of the work load and wondering if it's even possible. I want to become an orthopedic surgeon. #medicine #sports-and-orthopedics

Abbey’s Avatar
Abbey Sep 01, 2017 1032 views

How do I expand my photography business while I'm in college?

I have a business right now and want to expand it in college. #photography

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Aug 31, 2017 833 views

Is a kinesiology major an acceptable undergraduate program to earn a bachelor's degree in pursuing a career as a plastic surgeon?

Looking it up online it appears there is no specific undergraduate major required as long as it's in the field of science. However, just to be safe I would like to know from professionals as well. #plastic-surgeon #college #academic-advising #medicine #healthcare

Cerllin’s Avatar
Cerllin Aug 31, 2017 874 views

How can I ensure that the major that I pick now ( and am passionate about) will be relevant after 4 years?

Every day is a new day with new advances, however as the world turns to more digital and technological advances, some majors that have nothing to do with technology can fall short from impacting as much as the STEM majors. With a non-STEM major that I am passionate about, I want to believe that...

Magaly’s Avatar
Magaly Aug 30, 2017 843 views

Would it be more beneficial for a person to go to a community college because of the amount of people attending as well?

Im not sure if the college that I want to go to would have to have a smaller amount of students or a higher amount of students? #wheredoigo #smaller #orbigger #college #college-selection #community-college

Rebecca’s Avatar
Rebecca Jul 12, 2017 1625 views

What's a job that fits this description?

I want a job where I can talk to people whether in front of a crowd or just to one on one. I want something that I can help people. But I also want something that I would be able to live off of the money. If possible a job where I could travel the world. Is there anything like that? #job-search...

Alejandra’s Avatar
Alejandra Jul 01, 2017 1504 views

Why can't I get a job as an undocumented student?

I've been looking for a job for 3 months and have been unsuccessful. I know this is a website for actual careers but I find it a great opportunity to reach out to people who may understand me. I am 16-so of legal age to work but I do not own a SSN. I am bilingual and have experience with public...

Anita’s Avatar
Anita Jun 18, 2017 1047 views

Why Ivy League's don't choose me

I've been wondering for a while about Ivy League schools and what their biggest turn off is when it comes to applications. Whether it's low grades or not enough extra curricular activities, I'm not sure.

PRISCILLA Jun 17, 2017 9408 views

I am currently in my second year of college, and I still am undecided on my major.

I am currently in my second year of college, and I still am undecided on what to get my degree in. I have taken personality tests, spoke to counselors, spoke to friends but I still feel as if I am lost and my heart doesn't know what it wants. I need help. #psychology #career-counseling #sociology

D.’s Avatar
D. May 05, 2017 1349 views

How difficult is it to get a jobs working for publications like the WSJ and New Yorker?

I'm a student currently pursuing a career in finance, but writing is a real passion of mine. I'm wondering if any professionals working at large publications like the NYT, New Yorker, or WSJ can tell me a bit more about how many job opportunities currently exist. Additionally, I'd love to...

Zaret’s Avatar
Zaret Apr 18, 2017 892 views

On average how many years of schooling does it take to become a neonatal nurse ?

I am currently a freshman at a community college and am thinking about switching my major to become a neonatal nurse. However I am skeptical about it because of the fact that I am currently pregnant and I'm not sure that I would make it through. #nursing #registered-nurses #pediatric-nursing...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Apr 11, 2017 877 views

How do I set up connections?

Who do I reach out to for connections? Do I just go from professor to professor? #networking

Ruth’s Avatar
Ruth Apr 04, 2017 697 views

How many types of career fields are in Psychology?

I have a psychology major in college so I wanted to explore more of what I can do with a psychology major outside of being a licensed Psychologist. #psychology

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Apr 03, 2017 886 views

What do you do in Community College?

Due to financial situations, I will most likely be going to either Santa Monica, LA, or Pasadena Community College. However, I do not want to waste time and make sure I spend time making sure i can transfer into UCLA during my 3rd year. What should I do to make sure I'm setting up my future?...

Tadeo’s Avatar
Tadeo Mar 05, 2017 1100 views

How important is being flexible to possible changes?

Life changes all the time, whether we like it or not. How important is it to be able to break the plan we have and let life run its course so that we can pursue our goals with more focus or in a different manner? #theatre #flexibility #risk

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 25, 2017 1704 views

How do you stay confident?

I know that having confidence is very important when you are interviewing with potential employers and for when you are interacting with your peers. However, I find that sometimes I lose confidence when something negative happens, such as being rejected from a company, or doing poorly on a...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 15, 2017 6852 views

What are the benefits of being a boy scout?

A few of my friends have recently gotten involved in scouting, and it seems like it takes up a lot of their time. Some of them tell me that they are doing it so they can put in on their college applications. Do colleges value boy scouts (or eagle scouts, for that matter)? Is it something that I...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Feb 13, 2017 809 views

How much schooling is required for an engineering career?

I would like to pursue an engineering career. Before completely deciding on it, I would like to know how much schooling is needed to have a successful and good-paying engineering career. #college #engineering #college-major #college-selection

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 04, 2017 1401 views

What do you wear to an interview?

I have a few interviews coming up in the following two weeks, and I'm not entirely sure what I should wear to it. I was planning on wearing dress shirt, a tie, khakis, and dress shoes, but I'm afraid it might be too informal. I'm not sure if I will be afford a suit or where I would be able to...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 03, 2017 1080 views

What is a phone interview, and how do I prepare for it?

I'm a sophomore in college, and I recently went to a technical fair and talked to a lot of recruiters, and many of them have gotten back to me and said that they wanted to set up a phone interview with me. However, I have little experience in interviews and I'm not sure what I should expect...

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 31, 2017 782 views

How to set up recommendations?

How do you get the connections to get jobs and internships? #internships

john’s Avatar
john Jan 30, 2017 784 views

I really enjoy building legos and creating things with legos

what type of career involves building stuff #career-counseling

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 30, 2017 1377 views

How do you follow up with a recruiter?

I'm a sophomore in college, and I attended a career fair a few days ago. I talked to a lot of recruiters and many of them gave me their business cards so I could keep in touch in them or ask them any questions. I'm not sure how I would follow up with them, or what I should say, and I would love...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 26, 2017 1208 views

How did you discover what you were passionate about?

I would love to hear your personal story about how you first got involved in your field and what about it captivated you! #college #career #college-major #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path #career-development #non-profits #undecided

Charlene’s Avatar
Charlene Jan 24, 2017 791 views

How can someone prove that a medication is scientifically congruent to the human biochemical function?

I am in the medical field currently in the register nursing program and I have encountered medications that I field is scientifically established to work for the human biochemical structure however there is no name for it. #medicine #in #currently

Sean’s Avatar
Sean Jan 19, 2017 1182 views

Are AP tests worth taking?

I was told that as a senior in high school, AP Classes won't really help you for college as your applications are already processed and it's better to take the actual classes in college instead of trying to skip them by passing the AP Exams. #college #college-admissions #college-bound...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 19, 2017 1098 views

Should I take a gap year?

I am a junior in high school, and I will be applying to colleges in the following school year. I am a little lost on what I want to pursue in college, and I've always wanted to take a break from school to figure out what my dreams and aspirations are, as well as explore other opportunities and...

Roberto’s Avatar
Roberto Jan 17, 2017 933 views

Is there a company/organization that will allow me to donate some of my time so I can get a feel for what Mechanical Engineering is? I want to see what is like being an engineer instead of someone telling me. Thanks!

I am interested in Mechanical Engineering and want to know more about it. #volunteering #engineering #internships #mechanical-engineering

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 17, 2017 1351 views

What should I do after high school?

I am a junior in high school, and I have a pretty decent GPA (3.7+). I am taking many advanced placement classes, and I'm doing well in them. I have been thinking about my future recently, since I will need to decide soon whether I want to go to college or not. What options other than going to...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 16, 2017 2590 views

What is a cover letter, and how do you write an effective one?

I am currently applying for internships online, and along with my resume, they often ask me to include a cover letter. I am not sure how to write one, or what it should be about. What do I include in the cover letter? Is there a general format to follow? #college #computer-software #internships...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 15, 2017 1419 views

Is it a good idea to work part-time in college?

I'm currently thinking about getting a part-time job or participating in a work-study while I'm at school. I could use the money to help pay for my textbooks and for my living expenses, but I'm concerned that my grades will suffer as a consequence. What was your experience working part-time...

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Jan 15, 2017 2142 views

What are the pros and cons of Ivy Leagues compared to other colleges?

In all aspects, including socially, academically, financially, career-wise,etc., how do Ivy Leagues compare to other colleges/universities? Does their prestige affect the overall outcome of one's future? #college #career #university #career-path #social #career-development #ivy-league #academic

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 14, 2017 2439 views

How do you write a good college application essay?

I am a junior in high school right now, and I am going to be preparing to apply for colleges and universities starting this summer. Writing has never been my strong suit, and I'm worried that my essay may bring down my academic achievements. What do colleges usually look for in an application...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 14, 2017 814 views

After college, should I look for a job, or should I go to graduate school?

I am currently a second year student in college, and I am trying to plan out my future for the next few years (or have a brief outline of what I might want to do). Many of my upperclassmen friends told me that they decided to find a job after college, rather than go to graduate school, and I'm...

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Jan 11, 2017 2447 views

How do you prepare for a technical interview?

I am a computer science student, and I will be going to an engineering and technical fair in a few weeks from now, and the companies there often schedule technical interviews in the following days. How should I prepare for it? Is this a dress code that I should follow? #college...

Daniella’s Avatar
Daniella Jan 09, 2017 1306 views

What are some reliable sources to find internships?

Lately, I've been trying to find some internships because it is one of the closest ways a high school student can truly understand the real world and what career one wants to pursue. It is really easy to search things up on Google, but I'm not sure if it is reliable. I personally would love to...

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 08, 2017 1007 views

If I want to be an artist in the gaming industry, is it best to go to college first?

Right now I'm a running art student and I have decided that I want to be a concept artist. I am thinking about going to Digipen in Redmon WA but its expensive. Is it worth it to go to art school, or should I try to start working right away? I have a lot of motivation to go far in this field,...

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 06, 2017 1126 views

If I'm undecided between two career paths, how do I determine which one will be best for me?

My plan at the moment is to become a psychologist, but I'm still on the fence about whether I want to be a psychologist or a concept artist. Both of these paths are drastically different, so how do I pick between them? #college #psychology #art #higher-education #time-management #undecided

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 05, 2017 1334 views

Will working jobs outside of the field Im majoring in be beneficial to my career in the long run?

I want to become a psychologist but the work available to me has nothing to do with psychology. Can working at target or safeway while im in college help further my career? #college #psychology #art #higher-education #politics #project-management

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 05, 2017 1342 views

Whats a good topic for a psychology PhD dissertation?

Id like to become a clinical psychologist, while I have a ways to go I want to get a head start on my dissertation. #college #business #psychology #higher-education

Elliott’s Avatar
Elliott Jan 04, 2017 1687 views

Is there such a thing as too much ambition? How do I decide what activities i should put effort into most?

I have a lot of ideas and interests, but not all of them fall in line with my career aspirations. This is a general question for experienced ambitious people. Im a student aspring to become a clinical psychologist, but I also want to be involved in politics, and i have numerous hobbies. What...

Brooke’s Avatar
Brooke Jan 03, 2017 666 views

Can attending a small university hinder your post-grad job prospects when compared to a larger university with more connections?

As a graduating senior who is constantly looking into job opportunities I am beginning to wonder if my decision to attend a small private school could be hurting my chances of finding a job because of a lack of connections, when compared to my friends who attended larger schools. #college...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1632 views

Which is better small liberal arts university or prestigious?

In my area there are plenty of both and when it comes time to apply I want to know which is better to study at. I want to know things like pros and cons and cost wise and all that both entail. #college #university #higher-education #university-applications #liberal-arts #prestigious-university

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 2096 views

What is the meaning of liberal arts?

I understand what visual arts and all that kind of stuff is but most universities near me are classified as liberal arts institutions. If the meaning is anything like visual arts then why is there business and science and other majors that would have nothing to do with that? #college...

Nada’s Avatar
Nada Jan 02, 2017 1690 views

What is the difference between a profit and non-profit university/college?

I have heard both terms but don't understand the significance behind them. I know that some scholarships only apply to schools if they are either profit or non-profit but I still don't understand why. Why is there such a difference? #college #university #higher-education #nonprofits #profit

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