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Sh'Daedra’s Avatar
Sh'Daedra Jan 22, 2018 920 views

With today's economy would it be more beneficial to get a bachelor's degree in business rather than education?

I start school in August for my bachelor's degree. I already have a an associates in science. I can not decide if I should major in education or general management. I am trying to decide which would suite me better with the way this economy is looking and try and prepare for the future for at...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jan 19, 2018 711 views

Whether teaching experience in graduate school is necessary or at least optimal for securing a post-graduate teaching position at a college or university?

As a newly minted graduate student, I was wondering whether colleges looking to hire post-graduates for teaching positions generally place extensive weight on teaching experience? Once I finish coursework in graduate school, is it advisable to teach classes while working on a dissertation or...

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jan 19, 2018 1250 views

Whether it is best for a student to focus on completing their education during their summers away from school or to focus on working and providing income?

It has been my dream to pursue a graduate education in the liberal arts for the purpose of teaching at the university level, in order to contribute in enlightening and sharpening the minds of future generations. To accomplish this goal, I am currently a graduate student seeking a doctoral...

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Jan 19, 2018 840 views

Can one motivate people to do something that doesn't involve personal gain (i.e. money, benefits, time)?

I am simply wondering about this question because I want to add to my personal thinking of economics. I want to find out about another universal motivator to get people to act, participate, join, or work. I can only think of taking advantage of people's feelings and morals other than the...

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 18, 2018 662 views

What are the best strategies for passing the FE CIVIL exam?

For those who have passed the fe civil exam, what strategies best helped you become successful in taking it? What should I focus on? #fecivil ##civilengineer

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jan 18, 2018 558 views

As a civil engineering student, what is the best time to take the F.E. exam?

I will be graduating in May I already took it last year and failed and of course I plan on taking it again. Do companies look for you to have already taken it before you graduate or is it acceptable to take it afterwards?

Many thanks. #feexam #fecivil ##civilengineering

Dillon’s Avatar
Dillon Jan 18, 2018 797 views

Where is the best area of the nation to go to college if I plan on studying Biomedical Engineering?

Curious as to where the best research takes place and the best schools are. #school #research #regions #college-major #biomedical

Dillon’s Avatar
Dillon Jan 18, 2018 677 views

What are benefits or the pros and cons of taking one of the ACT or the SAT tests over the other?

Curious which one may hold more benefits and if I was only able to take one which would be recommended. I currently plan on taking both.
#testing #sat #act

Zainab’s Avatar
Zainab Jan 17, 2018 872 views

What kind of activities could I expect going into college?

I usually have a lot of spare time on my hands and would like to spend it doing fun things. #extracurriculars #college

Zainab’s Avatar
Zainab Jan 17, 2018 700 views

What are ways that I could adapt to the college lifestyle?

I am afraid of moving out on my own without any family or friend, and really just want to fit in. #college #life-transitions #adaptability ##adapting-to-college

Nabeeha’s Avatar
Nabeeha Jan 17, 2018 859 views

How can I have an easy transition from a community college to a 4-year university?

I plan on transferring to an undecided four year University and am scared that the transition will be tough on me. Is there any way I can ensure that I will be able to thrive in and enjoy my new environment? #communitycollege #transfer #college-transfer #transition #social #mental-health...

Nabeeha’s Avatar
Nabeeha Jan 17, 2018 1107 views

What career pathways can I follow with a Political science degree?

I’m planning on majoring in political science but am unsure of what I want to do with this degree. I know I can go into law but I’d like to know about other career pathway options as well.

#Law #politicalscience #politics #government #career #undecided #college

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jan 17, 2018 694 views

what is the best major for future medical school students?

I am asking because I plan to attend medical school after getting my bachelors degree at a four-year university.

#medical-school #college #college-major #medicine

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Jan 17, 2018 731 views

I truly and honestly believe going to medical school will be worth the journey, but I am afraid it will give me a little bit more stress that I can bare, so does anyone have any advice on how to manage when I reach that point in life?

I am asking because I desire to eitber be a psychiatrist or physician in the future, but I have heard about people who have went as far as to end their life because of medical school, and I never want to reach that point in my life. Thank you for your response in advancr and may Jesus do great...

Graciela’s Avatar
Graciela Jan 17, 2018 1062 views

Is it possible to pursue a career in Fashion Design and incorporate other pastimes?

This may be more of an obscure question, but there are multiple extracurricular activities I enjoy keeping up with and I hope to continue incorporating them into my schedule, even if only for college. Would you recommend or advise against packing in an occasional theatre production, choir, or...

luis’s Avatar
luis Jan 17, 2018 1067 views

what are good study habits to take up for political science classes?

I plan on majoring in political science and I've noticed that study habits such as using flash cards for memorizing key ideas or court cases is not as helpful as I thought. I plan on being an immigration lawyer, and I hope to find better strategies to help me prepare for exams. #political-science

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 16, 2018 541 views

What are good universities in Texas that have a good science/medicine department?

I am really interested in medicine, and want to learn and study the anatomy of the human body. #humanbody #medicine

Leah’s Avatar
Leah Jan 16, 2018 423 views

Are there univerities that major in both biomedical studies and some sort of voice performance major?

I am interested in entering the medical field, and I also have a strong passion for the arts, and more specifically singing. #medicine #voice-teacher

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 16, 2018 817 views

How did you deal with homesickness while you were living abroad?

The program I've been accepted to for grad school is in a different county from the one I'm living in. I've lived abroad before, but only for a short amount of time. What's it like to live in a new country for over a year? #studyabroad #study-abroad

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Jan 16, 2018 846 views

What do you wish you had known before starting a non-profit?

I've been accepted into a graduate program where I will learn how to start a non-profit arts company. I would love some advice from people who have started their non-profit, whether it's in the arts or another field. #nonprofits #performing-arts #fine-arts #art

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Jan 16, 2018 778 views

How do I choose what to include on my resume?

There is so much that I can add on my resume, but I know that most employers do not read resumes if they are too long. How do I decipher what is important to include on the resume? #resume

Sidney’s Avatar
Sidney Jan 16, 2018 1126 views

What is the easiest way to study for a cumulative test or final?

My high school does not test midterms and finals. Therefore, I am not quite sure how I will need to study for those types of tests in college. #finals #exams #studying-tips #study-skills #studying #time-management

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Jan 16, 2018 631 views

What experience or insight should I have as trying to become a music major?

Currently I am trying to pursue either Music Therapy or Music Education as a major and just wanted to know some basics behind what skills or things I should have prior. #music #musician #college #professional #skills

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jan 16, 2018 842 views

How can low income students be encouraged to pursue a higher education?

Few people that I have visited living in a low income community have made the excuse that the lack of them being successful is the reason behind how less resourceful their community is. But, In my perspective that reason is invalid because I also live in a low income community. For that...

Layonna’s Avatar
Layonna Jan 16, 2018 925 views

How do decide on a major i truly want?

I’m asking this because I’ve changed my major so much. It’s like i have an idea of what i want to do, but the field doesn’t interest me anymore. I’ve changed my major so many times and i know i have to have I.T figured out by next fall but, i just have no idea #college-major #college...

Udoka’s Avatar
Udoka Jan 16, 2018 678 views

Why is nursing is good career?


James’s Avatar
James Jan 16, 2018 975 views

What is the salary of a concept artist?

If working for a big(gish) game development company, how much money can you make as a concept artist or game designer? #computer-games #video-games

James’s Avatar
James Jan 16, 2018 769 views

How do you get into the game design industry as an artist?

When going into the game design industry, how do you expand your art portfolio to get noticed by developers that can commission you? #art #video-games #video-game-design #game-design #gaming

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jan 16, 2018 707 views

Will complete equal rights be granted to all colored people?

It is said that we are all equal no matter what. But, I don't understand why bias takes place in jobs and school selections. I was wondering if equal rights will ever be considered no matter what race one race is or their background. #race #race-equality #equality #activism...

Haley’s Avatar
Haley Jan 16, 2018 621 views

What is a good website to find a summer internship?

Summer internships are important to finding jobs post graduation #internships

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