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Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 725 views

Do colleges or other businesses offer internship or shadowing programs?

In high school or college, do businesses provide the opportunity to gain hands on experience in the workforce? To learn more about the major we are studying. #business #internships

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 817 views

In the interview process, what qualities do they look for when deciding to give you the job?

What characteristics are beneficial to exemplify to employers that you have, and that are positive in the workplace. #interviews #jobs

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 815 views

If you could, what would you do differently in selecting a college and a major.

As a high school junior, what advice can you give me in the selection process. #college #college-selection #college-course-selection

Katie’s Avatar
Katie Apr 14, 2018 688 views

With a business degree, how influential is the name on your diploma in the interview process?

On average, college tuition has more than doubled in the last 20 years. Many college students graduate with significant debt, is it worth going to a school that is more expensive with an equal reputation of another school. While still getting the same degree. #business #after-college...

Danni’s Avatar
Danni Apr 12, 2018 1161 views

Is "drafter" a still-used position at engineering firms? What skills does a drafter need?

For example, if you were going to a college with vocational courses, would it make sense to try to pursue something that prepares you to become a drafter? Are engineering firms still looking for people to handle just drafting, or do they only want engineers? If they are, what are the...

Danni’s Avatar
Danni Apr 12, 2018 1221 views

Would someone graduating at 40 with their first degree in civil engineering have a chance in the workforce?

Is it sensible or feasible (or how does the outlook seem in general) to get one's first degree at 40 as a civil engineer? (Entering college at 35, graduating at 40) Would potential employers be biased against an "old" newbie, making it impossible to pay off school debt at such a late date...

Leonila’s Avatar
Leonila Apr 12, 2018 951 views

Can I apply to dental school and hygiene school at the same time?

I have been put on a wait list to dental schools. I am going to reapply again but I am keeping my options open just in case dental school will not accept me again. I am also going to apply at a hygiene school. ( Note I have all the requirements I needed for dental my scores were not that bad....

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 11, 2018 635 views

How do you write a good cover letter?

There are millions of formats online for a cover letter. Some are longer and more specific. Others are short and don't provide much information (i.e., bragging points) about the writer. Some are double-spaced and others are single-spaced. Some are twelve-point and others are ten-point. Does the...

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Apr 11, 2018 723 views

I love school but I've learned that I hate being in the workforce. How can I be sure to get a job I will enjoy after I graduate?

I can't stay in school forever. I graduate with my MFA (yes, I'm going for specialization), but I'm worried that after I'm specialized, I still won't be able to find a job I enjoy. #workforce #career #career-advising #finding-a-major #passion

Alexa’s Avatar
Alexa Apr 08, 2018 684 views

What are the most and least rewarding aspects of pursuing a career in which you are interested in but not great at.

I am going to pursue Engineering, however, I have never taken a physics or calculus class. It is the only career field that I enjoy and have participated in many engineering programs. #engineering #chicago #computer-science

Saomi’s Avatar
Saomi Apr 08, 2018 749 views

Is it a good idea for me to be in a Dual Degree program?

I want to study engineering, but the school I want to go to only has a dual degree program. Will it make a different if I get two degrees compared to one? #engineering #college-major

Saomi’s Avatar
Saomi Apr 08, 2018 477 views

How hard is it to get a full ride from a school?

I see a lot of full rides based on sports but not on merit. #scholarships

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Apr 06, 2018 553 views

Does obtaining minors to your degree benefit you financially when getting a job ?

Im asking this question because schooling is very expensive , especially for nursing , and I want to know that with me minorin in something useful to my major the job I get will be able to help me pay off my loans. #nursing

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 03, 2018 712 views

How important are summer jobs in getting a job after college?

I play basketball and some of my summer is taken up by touring with my team. Is it necessary for me to stop playing over a summer to concentrate on and internship and if so, which year? #internships #basketball

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Apr 03, 2018 1188 views

What are some professions that would fit my interests in statistics and probability?

I enjoy math and my two favorite subjects are stats and probability so I'd like to know what career paths are open to me. #statistics

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 907 views

Is it a good idea to practice the SAT Test with different books from different companies?

I am asking this question because I am getting ready for the SAT, and I have different book from different companies like College Board, Princeton, and Kaplan and I am no sure which book is best for SAT preparation.#sat Practice #college #college-advice

Anacletus’s Avatar
Anacletus Mar 31, 2018 696 views

What are the things that starts to change, when you start paying your bill?

I am asking this question because I want to know what's going on with people who pays bills.#futurelife

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Mar 27, 2018 1051 views

What are the benefits of attending a community college first?

What are the pros and cons of attending a 2 year institution before transferring to a 4 year Vs attending a 4 year the entire time?
#community-college #university #college

Erica’s Avatar
Erica Mar 27, 2018 702 views

How will I know which classes will transfer from a community college to a University?

I'm going to community college to earn an associate of science and then plan on transfering my credits to a 4-year but I don't want to waste my time on classes that won't transfer.
#technology #computer-science

Margaret’s Avatar
Margaret Mar 27, 2018 1026 views

How can I have more faith in my dreams than my fears?

I want to be the best in my field that I can be, but I am struggling to see if my goals are unrealistic an crazy or something in my reach. #career #career-counseling #career-development #confidence

Margaret’s Avatar
Margaret Mar 27, 2018 833 views

How can I make myself stand out through writing?

I am going into journalism and I want to stand out against my mostly male peers.
#writing #journalism #writing-and-editing

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Mar 27, 2018 995 views

Whats the best way to handle all the college offers received?

I've gotten plenty of offers, some better than others, but i know i can't accept them all. How would i go about denying the others? #college #college-admissions #college-selection

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Mar 27, 2018 984 views

What is the best approach to handling loans?

Not only in regards of getting them. Are they available elsewhere, apart from the colleges themselves? Interest? What would be the best way of repaying them?
#management #loans #finance

Azaleah’s Avatar
Azaleah Mar 27, 2018 660 views

What are some helpful tips to effectively manage my time between school and a social life during college?

I am off to my first year of college in the fall, and I am going to have to learn how to balance my time between school and a social life in a way that keeps me mentally healthy and happy. #college-advice #time-management #college

Azaleah’s Avatar
Azaleah Mar 27, 2018 1509 views

What job opportunities would be available to me with a declared double major in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, and what steps can I take while in college to better my chances at obtaining a job?

As stated in the question, I am double majoring in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology. I want to study the relation of the brain to cognition and behavior to gain a better understanding of the only partially unlocked human mind and how this understanding can help with mental health and...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 26, 2018 745 views

What to do when you're denied from your top colleges?

I've recently been denied from my reach schools and a few of my safety schools. I've applied to a couple more but at this point it's hard to get scholarships from those schools since i've applied too late. However, i've been accepted to two small private liberal arts schools but they're not...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Mar 26, 2018 999 views

What do I base my college major on?

Should someone be choosing their major on whether they'll be making enough money in the future to financially support themselves or if it's a major that will in the end make them happy. I know the ultimate answer would be to do what makes you happy but is it possible to do that while being...

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 20, 2018 449 views

What is a life quote that person should live by through out their life?

I want to know now what quote should people life by for future career or a life with family. #quoteforlife

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Mar 20, 2018 643 views

What is something that a lot of college alumni have about not in your college years?

I would like to read off of everyone's experiences in #college because I do not want to miss out on anything in college and regret it later. Since you only get the college experience once, so I want to make the best out of it.
#experience #career

Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Mar 20, 2018 670 views

How to be successful in life and what does it look like?

I am one of these people who likes to know what it looks like to be successful in life. I know that I want it but how can I get it. #succesful

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