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Wrentham, Massachusetts

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Marco’s Avatar
Marco Feb 23, 2021 613 views

How do i really start in real estate?

I am a Jr trying to use real-estate or flipping homes as a sort of side hustle to pay off for college and I know what to do once i have a house to fix and sell but i don't have money for one so where and how do i really start? # #finance #real-estate #busniess #flipping homes

Ava’s Avatar
Ava Feb 23, 2021 437 views

Do colleges scout with covid?


Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth Feb 23, 2021 551 views

How to best prepare to become a surgeon?What are some advice and tips I should know, and what steps should I be taking to stand out more?

I'm a junior in high school and I want to become a surgeon. I'm taking AP classes in both math and science and plan to continue doing so. #high-school #surgeon #surgery #doctor #medical-school

Roger’s Avatar
Roger Feb 22, 2021 799 views

I know for a fact that i want to be a graphic designer now. Can someone help me breakdown the different jobs that are under that category?

So I know that I want to be a graphic designer now, I've made a video for my school and I've made personal videos, I've taken pictures and figured out somewhat how to use a camera. I figured out how to use simple picture editing software, as well as simple video editing software and I've...

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Feb 18, 2021 671 views

Does anyone know any clinical lab science masters degree programs in MA or RI? Also called medical lab science, medical lab technology, etc.

It is so hard to find certain degree programs through google searches. All I see are ads and online programs, and I am definitely not looking for an online program. I want to ensure that I'm not missing any schools that offer a masters degree in this subject. #clinicallabscience...

Abby’s Avatar
Abby Feb 16, 2021 2330 views

Is it worth earning a Master’s degree if I want to become a medical lab scientist?

I really would love to be working hands-on in a hospital laboratory for my career. Are master’s degrees in MLS reserved for people who plan on working in management positions? I know I can take courses in medical lab technology and eventually take the ASCP exam for certification. Will a...

Maureen’s Avatar
Maureen Feb 08, 2021 1294 views

How do you become a graphic designer with a full time job?

I took a few GD classes in college and have done a few jobs for friends but, I have a long ways to go. I want to become a graphic designer and get out of my sales position. It is hard because I also have to pay rent and do not want to go back to college. Any advice? #graphic-design...

Raina’s Avatar
Raina Jan 29, 2021 767 views

What majors should I do?

I've been wanting to become a pediatrician, so I was wondering for some majors to major in. #pediatrician #major

Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Jan 10, 2021 452 views

What are common mistakes people make with their money in the law industry?

#business-law #corporate-law #law

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa Dec 15, 2020 648 views

I would like to get some advice. I don't really know what my next steps should be.

I was born in Massachusetts but I moved to Brazil a long time ago so I've been studying here ever since. I went back last year, because I wanted to finish High School there but, due corona virus my family thought it was better if I came home, so I did. I am currently a junior in High School and...

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Nov 29, 2020 3033 views

How to get a letter of recommendation when I'm a shy student?

I'm a decent student who occasionally contributes to the conversation and I get A's and B's in school, but I don't think I have developed a close relationship with any of my teachers. Speaking up in class is hard for me and it often feels like I'm being drowned out but other students. I'm...

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Nov 25, 2020 654 views

If you had six months of free time between college graduation and your first job, what would you do during it?

Right now I have the great opportunity of having the months between January and June completely free as I allocated this time to travel and explore between college graduation and my first job. However, travel is looking unlikely due to the pandemic. I'd like to try and find a few things to do...

Tessa’s Avatar
Tessa Nov 18, 2020 846 views

What advise do you have for a soon-to-be undergraduate aspiring to be a veterinarian?

I realized I absolutely love working with animals and people, and my favorite type of subjects throughout my whole life have been science classes, hence why I want to be a veterinarian. I want to be able to improve the lives of my animal patients, and provide them with the best care I can to...

Rasya’s Avatar
Rasya Nov 18, 2020 1189 views

What are the best ways to stand out in the college admissions process?

I have good grades and extracurriculars but is there something else I could do to really boost my application?

#college #collegeadmissions #business #finance #ivyleague #GivingisCaring

Silvana’s Avatar
Silvana Nov 05, 2020 989 views

How the computer science impact movies and television?

Student #student

jemima’s Avatar
jemima Oct 17, 2020 536 views

i dont know and i know what i want

i know i want something related to biology and maybe a lab, or forensics; but i dont know what can fit into a biology carrear that i feel accomplished. I was looking for biomedical engineering, please give me examples and more majors/ideas.
#biology #lost #biomedicine #health

Roger’s Avatar
Roger Oct 09, 2020 445 views

To people who are a graphic designer (the job not category of jobs) how easy or hard was it for you in college? Mainly classes and payment for stuff needed for class?

Hello, I'm thinking of being a graphic designer (I'm going say this every time the job specifically not the category of jobs), and the title/questions state everything I am asking. #graphic-designer #college #payment

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Oct 06, 2020 770 views

What jobs am I qualified for and how do I land them?

I'm a senior at NYU studying Behavioral Economics and I'll be graduating early in January. Last summer, I struggled to land an internship even before COVID-19 hit, and I don't want to end up in the same boat again. I love startups, tech, entrepreneurship, and finance. #business #career

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Sep 25, 2020 597 views

How would I become a professional Fundraising Specialist for nonprofits?

I am interested in taking this certificate from Boston University but I'm wondering if there are cheaper ways, and what you as a possible fundraising specialist would recommend.
#fundraising #nonprofitmanagement
#campaigns #raisefunds

Kenny’s Avatar
Kenny Sep 25, 2020 1338 views

Will our choice in a college affect us in the long run?

Let's say I pick a college that isn't as popular as other or isn't as heard of. Will jobs look at me negatively due to that. Is there a chance I could lose the competition in getting a job because of my choice in college. How do jobs and the "real world" look at our choice in colleges for like...

Kenny’s Avatar
Kenny Sep 25, 2020 682 views

What are some college application tips for this upcoming fall.

So the time has come, and all our hard work in the school system will soon pay off in our new chapter of education. So, now that we have entered the college application period, and the stresses of college essays; what would be some tips you can give to a first-in-family college applicant that...

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Sep 23, 2020 949 views

What are some resources I can use to educate myself about sustainability and possibly enter the field? What are your favorites?

#field #sustainability #research #climatechange

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Sep 18, 2020 613 views

How did you decide you wanted to be a doctor? Not a dentist, pharmacist, nurse, or another job in health?

How did you decide you wanted to go to med school and become a doctor? And not become a nurse or dentist, or any other job that has to do with medicine and helping people? #doctor #medical

#health #hospital-and-health-care #nurse #pharmacist

Kenny’s Avatar
Kenny Sep 09, 2020 632 views

What are those unheard law specializations?

Everyone knows of the injury and insurance lawyer, the real estate lawyers, and defense attorneys. However, what are those lawyers that we barely hear of, but are still have an interesting role. I know there are dozens of specializations in law, but what are some of the unheard ones. Would like...

Kenny’s Avatar
Kenny Sep 09, 2020 524 views

What steps does one take to become a court justice?

I have looked all around online, but have not found a specific answer. What are some important and crucial steps when wanting to become a court justice is a dream job?

Ash’s Avatar
Ash Aug 11, 2020 836 views

How can I promote/market my artwork so it will get noticed?

Trying to get into the art world. Art and painting is my passion. #fine-art #the-arts #art #artist #artists #painter #painting

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Aug 04, 2020 1039 views

What are jobs that will hire 15 year olds?

I'm looking for a job. It's difficult to find #jobs that will hire a 15 year old. #job-search

Nneoma’s Avatar
Nneoma Jul 30, 2020 396 views

What are some strategies and tools I can use in order to maintain a high GPA in college?

I will be entering college next year and I would like to know some ways in which I can maintain a high GPA. This is important for me because I would like to enter medical school after getting my Bachelor's degree.

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jul 30, 2020 1614 views

Other than a degree, what other skills are necessary in a marketing career?

What other skills come in handy or look good on a resume for a marketing career? #JULY20 #career #career-path #resume #skills #marketing

Kelly’s Avatar
Kelly Jul 30, 2020 3692 views

Which is better to study for a marketing career, psychology or sociology?

If trying to pursue a career in marketing, which courses would be more beneficial, psychology or sociology courses? #JULY20 #career #future-careers #marketing #career-plan #studies #marketingdegree #business

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